
Oct 24, 2009 15:50

Pairing: Clex
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: Still life with snow.
A/N: written for sv100 prompt: past prompt/ snow.

The door to the Kent hayloft stood open as always. Inside the barn, the golden sheen of hay and the earthy heat from the livestock below created an atmosphere of yielding - if prickly - comfort. Outside, snow fell silently on a waiting world.

Lex and Clark sat close together on blanket-covered bales, ostensibly to watch the snow; but Lex could not keep his eyes trained outward. Mugs of cocoa warming their hands, straw in Clark’s hair, kisses stolen in the barn’s shadowy corners … these things belonged in a Rockwell painting; they couldn’t belong to him.

But he would keep them anyway.

drabbles, sv100

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