Jan 30, 2009 16:22

Read the rules before applying.

Application form:
1. Reserves are kinda pointless since there's no character snagging, but you can reserve anyway if it makes you feel better.
2. When/if accepted, you have one week past acceptance to respond to the acceptance comment with your character's journal.
3. Go to the Add List and follow the instructions ( Read more... )

applications, information

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Comments 68

cubeybooby February 4 2009, 11:08:11 UTC

Out-of-Character Information
Name: Cubey
Are you over 16: Don't ask, don't tell
LJ username: cubeybooby
Time Zone: GMT -8 Pacific
AIM: CubeMelon
Tegaki: CubeyBooby

In-Character Information

... )


cubeybooby February 4 2009, 11:18:25 UTC

Misc. Notes:
- He's tried alcohol once or twice and doesn't really like or dislike it. He can hold his drink about as well as a square of one-ply toilet paper, though.
- CO2 and caffeine are a big plus. What do you think he drinks all day, with unlimited access to the fountain?
- In addition to his day job, please feel free to call him up for all your tech support needs!
- His parents live in the city and e-mail him on a regular basis. No dead people or broken families here, kthx.
- Even with the 'ninja turtle diet' he has, he's probably not going to gain weight any time soon. It's just his metabolism.
- As long as the town is as small as it is, you get your pizza in five minutes or it's free.

In-Character Example Post:
Of course I would screw up on my first day. Wonderful. That was a REALLY big screw-up, too. Four whole pies, gone to some idiot girl who forgot to pay for her order... Other than that, I got two orders today. Pretty slow, but at least I'm making money now ( ... )


illstopyourswop February 4 2009, 21:11:25 UTC

You're approved! Respond here with your character's journal, then scoot over here for the necessary placements!

I believe you had an idea of where the local Pizza Chain is at, yes?


cyberpunkpizza February 4 2009, 21:12:27 UTC
I was thinking C10. Is that cool?

Scoot scoot scoot~


Profile azuranagomii February 4 2009, 19:12:05 UTC
Out-of-Character Information
Name: Azura Nagomii
Are you over 16: Yes
LJ username: AzuraNagomii
Time Zone: -5GMT, Eastern
AIM: XxAzuraNagomiixX
Anything Else?:

In-Character Information
Image if availible
Name: Bryan
Age: Unknown
Species: Homunculus
Occupation: Drifter
Living Arrangements: Most of the times he rents an apartment or stays at a hotel.
Newcomer or Returnee?: Newcomer
Personality: He’s very friendly and can be hyper at times. He is always willing to please. He’s not easily angered but when he does get angry he does a 360 in personality.

Backstory: His back story is somewhat of a mystery. He doesn’t even know his own age; but from what he does know is he is a Homunculus which is a creature that was brought back from the ( ... )


Re: Profile fishy_innkeeper February 4 2009, 21:49:34 UTC
I'm sorry, but we're gonna have to reject this application. First of all, I think you really could have fleshed out the application a bit more. Alot of it was extremely vague. The personality especially was way too short.

The second reason for the rejection is it's "too many notches up the godmodding meter". Having a powerful evil side to his personality that could come out at any time just irks me a bit. Granted, we have our demons and mad scientists and ex-cons, but they all have reasons for being here aside from just wandering in and hoping they don't destroy everything. Does that make sense?

At any rate, feel free to make changes to your app and try again. :)


Re: Profile azuranagomii February 5 2009, 16:32:45 UTC
Rage rarely comes out since Bryan rarely gets mad. And the only time he destroys is when people try to attack him. Besides that he usually just keeps to himself.

But I'll try to make things less vague. ^^;


Yonnie APP (1/2) kapn_kark February 4 2009, 23:49:34 UTC
Out-of-Character Information
Name: Keij (Kay)
Are you over 16: Yes
LJ username: kapn_kark
Time Zone: -6 GMT (Central Time)
AIM: tanukitictacs
Tegaki: Keij
Anything Else?: Prefer to be called Keij or Kay, but old friends call me Kark.

In-Character Information
Image if availible: 3/4 View, Frontal View
Name: Yonat Nikit (Yonnie) Dmitri
Age: 19
Species: Halfling (Half demon, half human)
Occupation: Unemployed Currently
Living Arrangements: Had his own apartment for a while, but wasn't able to keep up the rent.
Newcomer or Returnee?: Newcomer

Yonnie is a peculiar being. Because of his strange looks, he lacks confidence in his ability to make friends, and be around people in general. Despite his insecurity, he acts overly-confident, and has a quick sarcastic wit about him that makes up for his timidness. Trust is a word that he generally doesn't use, due to being betrayed countless times throughout his youth, but if he really wants to get to know someone, he will open up to them and be his true self.

He is a bit laid back, but not enough to be a sloth. ( ... )


Re: Yonnie APP (2/2) kapn_kark February 4 2009, 23:50:58 UTC
Parents unknown, Yonnie was raised in an orphanage in southern Colorado. He attended Abraham Lincoln Memorial School for Orphans, and was always the star pupil, having a 4.0 average from kindergarten to twelfth grade. Although he had great achievements, he was always being made fun of, adoption interviews always went horribly wrong, and he was always picked last in P.E. The only friends he had were his teachers, and even they were skeptical of him, because of his looks.

When he was three, he began reading at a fourth grade level, surpassing all of his pupils and peers from kintergarten and up. His teachers enjoyed chatting with him after class about psychological perspectives, and the humanistic approach to modern science. Even though this all came to pass, he never wanted to move up in grade level in order to remain 'normal'. He knew it would look odd for a seventh grader to enter the tenth grade, and one that had pointed ears and a tail at that.

He graduated, and attended college for a year, dropping out for lack of funds. ( ... )


Re: Yonnie APP (2/2) mad_sho February 5 2009, 03:56:07 UTC
I approve thus far, but the two other mods are not online. So if any of the other 2 of you see this and I'M gone, PLZ KNOW I APPROVE. 1/3 approve! APPROVE. I'm so tired.


Approved rubbishing February 5 2009, 04:46:48 UTC
Welcome aboard, Yonnie!

Respond here with your character's journal and check some of the recent nonnom_city comm posts for any necessities.


Profile ( second try) azuranagomii February 5 2009, 17:13:31 UTC
Out-of-Character Information
Name: Azura Nagomii
Are you over 16: Yes
LJ username: AzuraNagomii
Time Zone: -5GMT, Eastern
AIM: XxAzuraNagomiixX
Anything Else?:

In-Character Information
Image if availible
Name: Bryan
Age: Unknown
Species: Homunculus
Occupation: Drifter/Sings in bars
Living Arrangements: Most of the times he rents an apartment or stays at a hotel.
Newcomer or Returnee?: Newcomer

Personality: He’s very friendly and can be hyper at times. He has a horrible sweat tooth. It’s a wonder he’s so skinny. He also loves to drink juice boxes. He doesn’t like soda or anything with alcohol. He is always willing to please and he is always there to help out a friend. He loves to wear frilly outfits and he sometimes likes to cross- ( ... )


Re: Profile ( second try) nonnom_cityhall February 11 2009, 05:09:26 UTC
We find this a much better app than the previous.

Respond here with your character's journal and check some of the recent nonnom_city comm posts for any necessities such as the add/drop list and so on.

Have fun!


Re: Profile ( second try) azuranagomii February 11 2009, 16:58:31 UTC

Stacy Santos - Part 1 ulxsinnermind February 7 2009, 04:54:41 UTC
Out-of-Character Information
Name: UltimateLegendaryX (ULX)
Are you over 16: Is…Is 21 over 16? (That’s a yes)
LJ username: ”ulxsinnermind”
Time Zone: -5 GMT
AIM: lxacon
Tegaki: Can’t Draw so don’t have one *full of fail*
Anything Else?: Me-Me love you long time?

In-Character Information
Image if available
... )


Stacy Santos - Part 2 ulxsinnermind February 7 2009, 04:55:14 UTC
Personality: Stacy…hmm…where to begin. Stacy is very cold and very rude. She has almost a sadistic nature to her personality, seeing people being hurt or killed and enjoys the scent of blood by her hands. She also has a very short temper and believes her idea of solving a problem is with violence, which shows that she has also little to no patience. However this is the side she always lets on, the side in which she is the cold serious and ready to kill you woman. Deep down she has another softer side, one she spends alone and have a personal type diary just to list her thoughts, she does care about the people close to her and willing to either except her shell or see past it, she has a fragile side and a crying side to her, but sucks it up to show her to be strong, to be able to do something to help the people she cares. Stacy also loves to drink, and drink a lot. And when she’s drunk, she becomes a completely different person altogether, uninhibited, happy, friendly with any and everyone around her. But if she’s hung over, she’ll go ( ... )


Stacy Santos - Part 3 ulxsinnermind February 7 2009, 04:55:54 UTC
Misc. Notes:

1) Stacy has a weapon, a scythe that she carries around on her back with a leather strap.

2) Stacy’s power of telepathy has been disabled due to a god snapping them away before entering the city.

3) Stacy has the power of telekinesis (meaning she can move things with her mind, but nothing huge just like small rocks that way about twice the same as her. She cannot move people, because that would involve her entering the person’s mind to do so. (Her powers work differently that other people)

4) Stacy is a strong fighter and as such has a scary force of strength with her. However because of the scythe she is slower.

5) Stacy fights haphazardly. Meaning she doesn’t plan anything, she just goes and kills without thinking. You piss her off, she will come at you at full strength, regardless

6) Stacy has a high endurance for pain, and at times will enjoy it. Good Luck with that.

In-Character Example PostDear Journal ( ... )


Stacy Santos - Part 4 ulxsinnermind February 7 2009, 04:58:38 UTC
Lastly, Provide a cat macro as part of the initiation process:

... )


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