Jan 30, 2009 16:22

Read the rules before applying.

Application form:
1. Reserves are kinda pointless since there's no character snagging, but you can reserve anyway if it makes you feel better.
2. When/if accepted, you have one week past acceptance to respond to the acceptance comment with your character's journal.
3. Go to the Add List and follow the instructions ( Read more... )

applications, information

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Profile ( second try) azuranagomii February 5 2009, 17:13:31 UTC
Out-of-Character Information
Name: Azura Nagomii
Are you over 16: Yes
LJ username: AzuraNagomii
Time Zone: -5GMT, Eastern
AIM: XxAzuraNagomiixX
Anything Else?:

In-Character Information
Image if availible
Name: Bryan
Age: Unknown
Species: Homunculus
Occupation: Drifter/Sings in bars
Living Arrangements: Most of the times he rents an apartment or stays at a hotel.
Newcomer or Returnee?: Newcomer

Personality: He’s very friendly and can be hyper at times. He has a horrible sweat tooth. It’s a wonder he’s so skinny. He also loves to drink juice boxes. He doesn’t like soda or anything with alcohol. He is always willing to please and he is always there to help out a friend. He loves to wear frilly outfits and he sometimes likes to cross-dress. He can be a tad shy when meeting new people but he tends to warm up fast to people. Sometimes he can get over emotional about things and is quick to turn on the waterworks. Although he has fire powers he doesn’t like to use them. He hates violence and will do anything to avoid it. He will only fight when he has no other way out. He’s not easily angered but when he does get angry his Homunculus personality, Rage, emerges.

Rage is the exact opposite of Bryan. He is extremely anti-social and you will get a face full of fire if you get in his face. He tends to keep to himself but if he is provoked he will become hostile. On more than one occasion he has burned down a couple of buildings. But thankfully Rage rarely comes out. He loves to drink and smoke as well.

Backstory: His back story is somewhat of a mystery. He doesn’t even know his own age; but from what he does know is he is a Homunculus which is a creature that was brought back from the dead without a soul.

When he was still alive he killed his parents and then set his house on fire, dying as well. His sister brought him back to life with the aid of a demon known as Dominick. Unfortunately when he was brought back he was violent and uncontrollable. So in order to manage him, Dominick created a more docile personality sealing away Bryan’s evil side for good.

For years after that, Dominick used and abused Bryan and his sister. As a result of that abuse Bryan has scars all over his back and shoulders, a large scar on his stomach and one scar on the bridge of his nose.

One day Bryan’s violent personality broke through Dominick’s seal and he and his sister were able to escape. Now every time Bryan gets angry his evil personality, AKA Rage, comes forth and will not go away until he either calms down or he is rendered unconscious.

For years Bryan and his sister lived in peace until one day she suddenly snapped and killed herself. Ever since then Bryan has roamed the land meeting new people and getting in and out of trouble.

Misc. Notes: -Bryan is 100% gay.

-His friend Azura sends him large amounts of money every now and then.

-He has a beautiful singing voice and sometimes he’ll sing in bars for some extra cash.

-No matter how much he eats he remains at 98lbs.

-When he changes in to Rage his eyes turn indigo.

In-Character Example Post: I went to this bar today and this creepy old guy kept hitting on me. Omigosh I have never been so scared in my entire life. I ended up running for my life. Why do I attract the creeps? Looks like I have to move to another place. This was by far the worse. At least this time Rage burn anything down. Hopefully the next city will be better.

Lastly, Provide a cat macro as part of the initiation process:


Re: Profile ( second try) nonnom_cityhall February 11 2009, 05:09:26 UTC
We find this a much better app than the previous.

Respond here with your character's journal and check some of the recent nonnom_city comm posts for any necessities such as the add/drop list and so on.

Have fun!


Re: Profile ( second try) azuranagomii February 11 2009, 16:58:31 UTC

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