FANMIX: Harry Potter: Remus Lupin/Sirius Black: Marauders: "You're My Only Home"

Aug 16, 2008 03:17

How jolly, thought I, i'm very soon going to be living practically right next to the British Film Institute IMAX in London, what a perfect time to suddenly have a Gaywakening, become worryingly obsessed with Moony & Padfoot and immerse myself in the Potterverse. Right on the cusp of Half-Blood Prince being released around Christmas time. Perfect ( Read more... )

creativity: fanmix, hp: bite me lupin, hp: moony & padfoot

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Comments 62

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nomorefrostbite August 19 2008, 18:46:11 UTC
Thanks very much!


androbard1364 August 16 2008, 03:17:41 UTC
Oooo, I love the little drabbles you wrote along with the songs, they make me happy :) Except for the angsty ones at the end, although I still love those, I'm a big angst fan :P

Can you upload the Massive Attack/Portishead seperate? Plz :)


nomorefrostbite August 19 2008, 21:13:34 UTC
Nowt quite like a bit of angst!! The angstier the better, in fairness... it's far too hard to write happiness, or fluff, or people being all CONTENT and such. Bleh!

Massive Attack/Portishead! I have a Radio One Live Lounge version by Elbow too, if you fancy it.


androbard1364 August 21 2008, 20:23:40 UTC
Ah! Thanks so much!


whensheflies August 16 2008, 05:34:36 UTC
I go absolutely ga-ga over chronological well thought out R/S mixes. I've made about 3 myself.

This is gorgeous through and through.


nomorefrostbite August 19 2008, 18:49:33 UTC
Omg links please, obviously amazing person.

I admit, I had to properly give this one a bit of thought, whereas the last one was just all "ARRGHHH GRIEF ANGST ARGGGHHHHH!!" so not so much with the thought and more with the weepy pouring of salty water from my eyes. But still. It was good times! More are coming up in the next few weeks, most assuredly. I think i'm running out of Cover energy, but I suppose I need something to keep me out of mischief.


whensheflies August 19 2008, 22:24:17 UTC
Hehe. Actually, I've never posted them online before. But when I do, I'll link ya.


seschat August 16 2008, 12:40:01 UTC
Ohh, cool! Thank you very much!


nomorefrostbite August 19 2008, 18:49:55 UTC
You're more than welcome!


littlemissgg August 16 2008, 13:45:49 UTC
This is wonderful. The art, the mix itself and and the drabble to go with it. I loved the wizard chess comment. Meh, they break my heart every time!


nomorefrostbite August 19 2008, 18:51:44 UTC
You're completely not alone in the broken heart department! Also, loving the icon. Oh Padfoot & Moony... it's like THEY KISS AS IF THEY KNOW. Tragic.


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