Meme ganked from Willow_25 (who ganked it from Ozma914)

Oct 10, 2008 10:59

If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now (even if we don't speak often or ever) please post a comment with a completely made up, fictional memory of you and me.

It can be anything you want - good or bad - but it has to be fake.

When you're finished, post this little paragraph in your LJ and see what your friends come up with

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Comments 7

danikacm October 11 2008, 14:19:50 UTC
Arg, I was halfway thru a false memory, and it was good. Then Rascal came along, and deleted the whole thing! That rascally cat. Oh well. I'll send my fake memory someday. In the meantime, I'll just enjoy all the real ones I have.


nomdiplume October 11 2008, 18:22:15 UTC
Thanks for the effort. I'll look forward to reading it when Rascal's not an issue. As to the rest of you: Come on, now, I know I hang out with students and creative folks. Where's that native talent for B_S on which I've come to depend?


(The comment has been removed)

nomdiplume October 11 2008, 18:56:41 UTC
Dude. Ette. Give me a few years, and we totally have to make that one happen. ( c ;



We'll always have Paris ... danikacm October 12 2008, 17:02:46 UTC
I remember one afternoon in Venice, sipping a cappuccino at a little café. As I place my biscotti back down on my plate, I lean back in my seat to admire the view, when I catch a glimpse of a familiar figure floating past on a gondola. I sit up straighter in my chair squinting. I’m pretty sure I know who it is ( ... )


Re: We'll always have Paris ... nomdiplume October 13 2008, 11:07:35 UTC
Wow. This is quite a piece of creative writing, 'Nika, I'm hella impressed. I hope you do decide to repost the meme so I can write something for you in return. Thanks for the awesome present!


Re: We'll always have Paris ... danikacm October 14 2008, 13:08:17 UTC
Good times. ;-)

Keep up the good work on the quitting. I wrote that hoping it would take your mind of things for a short while. I really admire your strength and commitment. You can do this!!


minese October 14 2008, 09:44:54 UTC
I remember that day at the Farm when we went for a long walk together and bared our souls. It is a fabulous memory.


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