Meme ganked from Willow_25 (who ganked it from Ozma914)

Oct 10, 2008 10:59

If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now (even if we don't speak often or ever) please post a comment with a completely made up, fictional memory of you and me.

It can be anything you want - good or bad - but it has to be fake.

When you're finished, post this little paragraph in your LJ and see what your friends come up with

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We'll always have Paris ... danikacm October 12 2008, 17:02:46 UTC
I remember one afternoon in Venice, sipping a cappuccino at a little café. As I place my biscotti back down on my plate, I lean back in my seat to admire the view, when I catch a glimpse of a familiar figure floating past on a gondola. I sit up straighter in my chair squinting. I’m pretty sure I know who it is.
I holler out your name, calling much attention to myself from those nearby, however you cannot hear me. I drop some euro on the table to pay my tab, grab my sack, and jump over the small potted flowers separating my seating area from the street. I start to jog after your gondola as you drift further away.
After a few blocks, I’m almost out of breath, However, you finally disembark. I catch up to you, as you are unloading your baggage and paying the gondolier. When you turn your back on the gondolier, you look up and notice me for the first time, slowly approaching.
“Nika!?!” you exclaim, as I begin to rush forward to embrace you. When we pull apart you ask, “What are you doing here?”
“I could ask the same of you. An old friend of mine was married here a week ago. I’m just enjoying the sights now. And you?”
“I’m here doing some research for a graphic novel I’m working on with a few friends.”
“Sounds interesting.”
“It’s about a Samurai who travels as far West and Northern Africa & Europe. Should be good stuff. I’m actually leaving the city today. I’m headed to Paris for a week, then back to Washington. More research.”
“Oh, Paris. I haven’t been there in years. Sounds nice.”
“Well, it will be my first time in the city of lights. You know, I’d love the company if you’re able to join me. I still have to do my research, but I’m sure you’ll find ways to entertain yourself while I’m busy.”
Then there was a pause as we both smiled. Then I nodded, “Are you going by sky or by rail?”
“I can meet you at he train station in a couple hours.”
“Excellent! You know it is so good to see you here. Completely unexpected.”
And with that I promptly raced off to my hotel to pack my things and check out, leaving you standing the side of the canal near Bacino Oresolo.

We meet at the train station at the agreed time and board our train with no incident. I tell you about my friend’s wedding, and you describe the graphic novel. We change trains in Genova and end up sharing a car with an English jam band and a two Greek Orthodox priests. That was an interesting ride!

We arrive in Paris a few minutes before midnight at the Gare de Bercy. I follow you to your hotel where we adjust your reservation so that I will have my own bed. Once we’re secured our luggage in our room, you suggest we visit the Eiffel Tower. We exit the hotel wearing huge grins and wander around the streets for a bit, then hop on the metro. We alight somewhere near the tower, and wander around a bit more before the huge structure comes into view. I will never forget the look on your face as you gaze up. We stood still for a moment in silence just letting it sink it. Then I took your hand and we slowly approached the base. You began to spout facts and stories you had learned, in that way that you always do.
I was surprised to learn that we could still purchase admission to the top of the tower so late at night.
**This is where Rascal came along and stole my memory.**
We gained admittance and rode the elevator to the top. Together we looked out over the twinkling city. You point out the Seine, and I point out the Statue of Liberty. We gaze and whisper stories and observations back and forth. We descend the tower and wander around the Champs de Mars before hopping back on the metro to hotel.
The rest of the week we have breakfast and dinner together when we can. You follow leads on your research while I tour the city. Some evenings we watch street performances, or walk along the Seine as we share what we did during the day, or have pillow fights in our room to the sounds of Zazie or Maurice Chevalier.
You gather a lot of information for your book, I am able to find most of the monuments I want to explore. All in all we have a wonderful time and arrange to fly back to America together.


Re: We'll always have Paris ... nomdiplume October 13 2008, 11:07:35 UTC
Wow. This is quite a piece of creative writing, 'Nika, I'm hella impressed. I hope you do decide to repost the meme so I can write something for you in return. Thanks for the awesome present!


Re: We'll always have Paris ... danikacm October 14 2008, 13:08:17 UTC
Good times. ;-)

Keep up the good work on the quitting. I wrote that hoping it would take your mind of things for a short while. I really admire your strength and commitment. You can do this!!


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