"Withdrawal" or "Oh, what fun quitting cigarettes is"

Oct 10, 2008 08:32

Another morning spent being stern with myself. I really need to get caught up on class stuff, but the last few nights it's been pretty much everything I could do to get through to 5:00, meet after-work obligations, make myself eat something, and then put myself to bed. I really want to be social this weekend, but I should probably spend a fair ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

danikacm October 11 2008, 06:52:45 UTC
Wow! Had no idea you were quitting. Kudos!! Sounds like you're doing really well so far.
I'm still really glad I got to chill with you and Lauren last week, and I can't wait to hang with the two of you again.
You get two thumbs up for doing all the good things that you are doing for yourself!!
Oh, yeah, and lastly, I took your advice and took a bath. I fell asleep, and almost drown, but that happens a lot. Anyhow, it was great!! Thank you.


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