"Withdrawal" or "Oh, what fun quitting cigarettes is"

Oct 10, 2008 08:32

Another morning spent being stern with myself. I really need to get caught up on class stuff, but the last few nights it's been pretty much everything I could do to get through to 5:00, meet after-work obligations, make myself eat something, and then put myself to bed. I really want to be social this weekend, but I should probably spend a fair amount of time just making sure I have my "i"s dotted and my "t"s crossed.

I cleaned out and stored all of my ashtrays yesterday. Tonight I'll try to do laundry so that the smell is out of my clothes. Still no cigarettes since noon Wednesday. So it's on. Nice when a quit attempt gains traction. Hard to do, but it gives you something to keep working for. My sense of smell is already recovering, which is always a mixed blessing. I live in a city after all, there are a lot of smells around me I'm not grateful for smelling. Still, on the whole I suppose I'd always choose to have sharper senses, even if there's a lot of unpleasantness to sense. Better to be sensitive, particularly if you wish to be a healer.

Not really sure what this weekend will consist of. Certainly there needs to be a fair amount of mundane chore-doing, classwork, and the like, but hopefully I'll fit some fun in there as well. Much love to you all, wherever you may be. I hope your weekends are wonderful.

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