Title: Burn the bridges as you cross them Characters/Pairings: Giles, Faith, Giles/Faith, with Buffy, Jenny, and Ethan. English version of Spal za soba wszystkie mosty, written for day 2 of multifandom_pl ficathon
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Title: Using the Library Computers, Rules of. Characters: Xander, Giles, traces of Xander/Giles if you're so inclined. English version of Zasad Korzystania z Komputerow w Bibliotece, written for the 4th ficathon at multifandom_pl post-Chosen, no comics.
G/X made for gilesxander October Fest. Want, take, have. Feel free to crop to your liking for banners and/or icons. If you want to add text, feel free, just let me know.