Every Slayer Needs a Watcher master list

Mar 01, 2008 23:18

The Every Slayer Needs A Watcher ficathon: 22 new Buffy/Giles stories to enjoy!

adarog wrote for missparker: "The Withdrawal", adult
antennapedia wrote for carlaland: "Sorrows End"
blairprovence wrote for glimmergirl: "The Backup"
briglss wrote for seldomifever: "Unexpected Distractions"
carlaland wrote for blairprovence: "Catching Up"
fiareynne wrote for briglss: "Let Me Know"
gileswench wrote for lena7623: "Father's Day"
glimmergirl wrote for adarog: "A Legibility of Desire"
gylzgirl wrote for antennapedia: delayed
ishtaritu wrote for wisdomeagle: "Hand to Hand", adult
sahiya wrote for marionthegeek: "The Long Way Home"
lena7623 wrote for secondalto: New Ideas, part 1, part 2
maharet83 wrote for stexgirl2000: delayed
marionthegeek wrote for sniggs: Forgiving and Moving Forward 1/2, 2/2
missparker wrote for mythichistorian: "The Canyon"
mythichistorian wrote for kaymickbee: "A Bonus Dose of Genuine Sunshine"
noelia_g wrote for a dropout: "Feels Like Home"
secondalto wrote for noelia_g: "Declaration"
seldomifever wrote for a dropout: "Enough"
sniggs wrote for gylzgirl: All that Do These Things, part 1
stexgirl2000 wrote for gileswench: "Daybreak"
wisdomeagle wrote for maharet83: delayed

Post your story for the ficathon here, or post a link here in this community. (If you're posting elsewhere, make sure everybody participating in the ficathon can read your story.) Comment here and I'll add you to the master list. Thank you everyone for participating and bringing us all lots of new BG goodness!
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