Title: Wildest Dreams Fandom: Leverage/Inception crossover Characters: Leverage ensemble, Eames, Arthur Rating: PG-13 Words: 615 A/N: This is a fan fic exorcism. Because I am not writing Inception fics.
OK. See, here's what happened as soon as the lights came up in the theatre after I saw Inception. I tweeted: "You know what would be awesome? A Leverage/Inception crossover or fusion fic. Make it happen, internetz!!"
Thank you for making this happen!! &hearts
And of course I knew Nate would say, "We're going to steal ourselves a dream." Of course he would say that! What I want to know is - what are their totems?
I love that this is Hardison's POV, and I love that his POV is so fandom-meta-ish. He totally writes True Blood fanfic, you know he does!
:reads. reads again. and then reads again just to be sure I'm not dreaming:
...And you're not continuing with this? I mean, not that I blame you. It's a close call not writing a cross over (or a fusion, dear god) myself, but you've got such a spectacular handle on it all. Hardison's POV was a gorgeously perfect choice. The pacing too. Very nicely done. :D
Love it! You have a great Hardison/narration voice. My favorite line, however, would probably (it's hard to choose one, but I'll go with it) be
“You know, I used to work with a bloke whose projection of a dead wife tried to drag him down to the limbo to play house with her. [...] And that was less strange than your little merry band of thieves.”
Although the line about the projections running away from Eliot was a close second :)
Comments 10
Thank you for making this happen!! &hearts
And of course I knew Nate would say, "We're going to steal ourselves a dream." Of course he would say that! What I want to know is - what are their totems?
I love that this is Hardison's POV, and I love that his POV is so fandom-meta-ish. He totally writes True Blood fanfic, you know he does!
...And you're not continuing with this? I mean, not that I blame you. It's a close call not writing a cross over (or a fusion, dear god) myself, but you've got such a spectacular handle on it all. Hardison's POV was a gorgeously perfect choice. The pacing too. Very nicely done. :D
and of course sophie wants to tie arthur up with his own ties. who wouldn't?
“You know, I used to work with a bloke whose projection of a dead wife tried to drag him down to the limbo to play house with her. [...] And that was less strange than your little merry band of thieves.”
Although the line about the projections running away from Eliot was a close second :)
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