Title: Wildest Dreams Fandom: Leverage/Inception crossover Characters: Leverage ensemble, Eames, Arthur Rating: PG-13 Words: 615 A/N: This is a fan fic exorcism. Because I am not writing Inception fics.
Title: Twists and Turns. Rating: PG Fandom: Merlin Characters/Pairings: ensemble/gen. Summary: Their destiny is all mapped out, but it doesn't have to be exactly what you think.
Title: Saved in Translation (Translating Rupert Giles from English into the language they speak in, you know, England). Rating: G Characters: Giles (Buffy, Xander, Willow).
Title: To sleep, perchance to dream fandom: BtVS spoilers: post-Chosen wordcount: 843 characters: Buffy, Giles, Willow, Kennedy, OCs A/N: written for Day Three at multifandom_pl 6th ficathon. Polish version here