"This is all going so fast!"

May 23, 2011 01:43

I know that a lot of people don't like this episode, you know, what with Luke seeming to choose Noah over Reid, and all that guilt-ridden, oh-my-God-I'm-scared jazz, but count me among those who love it. This could be due to the utterly ridiculous optimism that is one of my main personality traits. You show me a half-rotten strawberry and I'll show ( Read more... )

richard is super -- thanks for asking!, luke wants in reid's pants, reid wants in luke's big gay pants, cockblockers association of oakdale, panty melting hotness, reid's bringing sexy back, luke/reid rewatch, luke gets his drama on, the douche remains douchey, kissing!, luke = love, luke = doormat, being noah's boyf is v depressing :(, noah is scared of luke's peen, comment fic

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Comments 182

cindergal May 23 2011, 06:26:00 UTC
(and mentions shapes and colors, everyone drink!)

You know, I'm feeling quite tipsy after reading this recap! ;-)

I really hated it when Noah asked Luke if he was drinking again in front of Reid and Richard. I always wondered why the writers put that in there, but I guess it probably is because, as you say, the last time Noah saw Luke kiss another guy was when he was drunk. But in this context it just makes Noah look like a jerk. I think he's right on the money when he tells Luke that he just wants him back because he's the safe choice, though.

And poor Reid! I applauded, too, when he kicked Luke out. Oh, Luke. The poor thing went from two guys wanting him at the beginning of the episode to both of the them telling him to get lost at the end, LOL! Poor, messed up BB.


rhiannonhero May 23 2011, 13:59:49 UTC
But in this context it just makes Noah look like a jerk.

You say this like it's an unusual occurence, cinder!

I think he's right on the money when he tells Luke that he just wants him back because he's the safe choice, though.

Yep. He's just scared and used to dysfunction.

Poor, messed up BB.



cindergal May 23 2011, 21:32:15 UTC
You say this like it's an unusual occurence, cinder!

LOL! I know, I know - but I was more wondering what the writers were smoking, because that whole exchange is just weird.


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rhiannonhero May 23 2011, 14:12:52 UTC
Is it just me, or does Noah…not seem upset? I don't get it. Well, I do, but I still don't get that people believe Noah loves Luke. He doesn't look devastated, or mad, or anything.

IKR? He doesn't even look like puzzle pieces are coming together for him, like he's not even thinking, "Oh, so, wait, all that stuff he's been trying to tell me isn't what I thought, it was this." He just looks like he can't believe his yes, as though Luke still owed him loyalty. ENTITLED MUCH???

And, no, he doesn't look devastated or heart-broken or even angry. Which, imo, makes the punch that comes later that much more douchetastic. While it is never okay to punch someone, it would've made more emotional sense for Noah to punch Reid here, but he does it later, after Reid's told him off for being scum, and it makes it that much more premeditated and wrong.

He even pushes the point, thinking the only reason Luke was kissing Reid was because Luke forced himself drunkenly on him. The man does wonders for Luke's esteem. Really.IKR? He never seems to buy that ( ... )


peggin May 23 2011, 16:57:15 UTC
And, no, he doesn't look devastated or heart-broken or even angry. Which, imo, makes the punch that comes later that much more douchetastic. While it is never okay to punch someone, it would've made more emotional sense for Noah to punch Reid here, but he does it later, after Reid's told him off for being scum, and it makes it that much more premeditated and wrong.

ITA. IMO, what it comes down to is that Noah wasn't the least bit heartbroken over losing Luke, but he was mightily pissed that Reid had the nerve to "steal" something he considered his property.


greek_09 May 23 2011, 17:43:32 UTC
ITA. IMO, what it comes down to is that Noah wasn't the least bit heartbroken over losing Luke, but he was mightily pissed that Reid had the nerve to "steal" something he considered his property.

Exactly. Noah always thought of Luke as his property. Like a five year old kid saying you can't have it, it's mine. And he treated Luke like that too. Slapped him around, wrung him out, tore him up, and then left him there curled up in this sad, little ball. The terrible part of it was though, that Luke always kept coming back for more and begging to be with Noah again and then this horrific emotional abuse cycle would just continue.

I do understand that Luke kept going back cause it was the only thing he knew and he felt like no one else would be there and love him like he deserved to be loved. Plus everybody thought Noah was just SO wonderful and could do no wrong. But, guess what guys? HE DID.


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Re: Like this isn't long enough smittle May 23 2011, 07:40:05 UTC
Yes to everything you said, and especially this:

But for me, it's the protective hand that does it. It shows it all. Protective, possessive, "relax" - everything all shoved into one hand-on-chest. Oh, Reid.

It's like the "Shhh, let me" moment with the buttons. Reid, like Luke, is love, just more focused and prickly!


Re: Like this isn't long enough marsabi May 23 2011, 12:10:44 UTC
Aww, Smittle! What a beautiful thought about Reid!


Re: Like this isn't long enough rhiannonhero May 23 2011, 14:42:44 UTC
Reid = Love (for Luke)!!


aljc100 May 23 2011, 07:35:33 UTC
Jesus Christ on a bloody bike! Watching this back has reminded me just how much of a douche Noah was. Me, me, me, me, me - that's all I heard from Noah throughout that clip. I totally agree with you about Luke - I found it actually very endearing that he was so desperately trying to make everything right and hold onto the past and the only relationship he has known (however toxic that relationship might be). I think we forget, because he takes so much on his shoulders and worries so much about other people's problems, that he's still really young.


rhiannonhero May 23 2011, 14:36:28 UTC
Jesus Christ on a bloody bike!

Oh, the image this brought to mind! JC with his crown of thorns, blood dripping down his face onto the bike, and the holes in his hands bleeding on the handle bars! /blasphemy

Me, me, me, me, me - that's all I heard from Noah throughout that clip.

Well, if you watch the whole Nuke storyline? That's all you'll hear from Noah ever, truly.

I found it actually very endearing that he was so desperately trying to make everything right and hold onto the past and the only relationship he has known (however toxic that relationship might be).

Me, too. He's so young and tries so. damn. hard. to do the right thing. Bless that sweet man.


smittle May 23 2011, 07:36:19 UTC
Ouch, Black Monday is upon us. This episode (like the party scene and honeymoon suite) is painful for me to experience as an individual episode, but when looking at the big picture for what this episode represents in terms of developing their relationship I have a deep appreciation for it. Luke has to make this first crazy choice and have it all blow up in his face so that he can make a wiser choice later on ( ... )


rhiannonhero May 23 2011, 14:41:14 UTC
but also because I think Luke has no idea how deeply Reid has fallen for him. At this point, Luke possibly thinks Reid just wants to fuck him

YES! Yes, totally. I think he's aware of Reid's interest in him sexually, and might, might wonder if there could be more, but I also think that he's not at all sure that there is enough there to just walk away from everything he's known for it!

We’ve seen Reid’s pillow hugging, watched him delete his cell phone picture of Luke, heard him unconvincingly deny his feelings for Luke to Katie, but Luke’s mainly experienced the eyesex, flirting, and a few smoking hot makeout sessions.

Exactly! Luke doesn't know what we know!

The beauty of the scene with Luke and Noah alone is that it illustrates just how awful they are together and yet poor Luke still “wants” that!

It kinda chokes me up to think of that. He is such an abuse victim in that scene. He truly, truly is. :(

I think he is in love at this point and the rejection must hurt like hell, but this early on, I really don’t see him being ( ... )


peggin May 23 2011, 17:15:50 UTC
I hate the way Luke behaves in this episode, but I understand it, for all the reasons brilliantly laid out in the commentary, but also because I think Luke has no idea how deeply Reid has fallen for him. At this point, Luke possibly thinks Reid just wants to fuck him, which yeah, he does, but take out the "just" part.

YES!!! I completely agree. Also, I think the very fact that things with Reid tended to get so passionate so quickly (the two mutual kisses we've seen them share ended with (1) "we almost had sex" and (2) "I want to be alone with you") kind of scared the crap out of Luke. Not only was he not sure what Reid really wanted from him, but what he himself was feeling was just too overwhelming for him to deal with, so he made the "safe" choice.

Which makes this one of the few times we can really be glad that Noah is such a self-involved douche. If he was less of a douche, he probably would have wanted to give their relationship a second try. So thank you, Noah, for being such a douche! :D


beatrixmaude May 24 2011, 02:16:24 UTC
Such a great analysis of Reid. He may be used to everyone treating him as if he has no feelings, but I'm not. My heart just breaks for him in this episode and it makes me want to take Reid away so people can't hurt his feelings anymore.


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