"As if dinners for two and walks in the park were my thing"

May 16, 2011 09:25

We pick up in today's episode back by the pond (although not Snyder Pond, I don't think; apparently Oakdale has many ponds to choose from to play host to relationship drama), and Luke opens up to Noah about how after being pushed away with both hands, he made himself stop pining after Noah. Meanwhile, Reid is picking up the pining slack as he mopes ( Read more... )

luke wants in reid's pants, reid is in doctor mode, poor bb luke, the douche remains douchey, flirty moments are flirty, being noah's boyf is v depressing :(, noah is scared of luke's peen, comment fic, luke and reid need to touch, not the parents of the year, reid wants in luke's big gay pants, video, reid's bringing sexy back, reid please cuddle luke, luke/reid rewatch, luke = love, jealous!reid is hot

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Comments 124

rhiannonhero May 16 2011, 13:47:13 UTC
Lines I love: "You don't understand drunks at all". I also love, "You know what I hate?" "I think there's a list." <3 Love that.

Ugh this whole thing with Noah. When I was watching, what really kind of struck me was that Noah's kind of bitching to Reid about his eyes not being what he wants them to be, and then says something about loving Luke as much as ever. I find it interesting that Reid says to Noah, "Fight for what you want." Or something. And I've always assumed they both thought Reid was talking about Luke. But then, seeing Noah do the exact opposite of fighting for Luke, instead pushing him away with both hands again, I'm wondering if Dr. Oliver and The Douche might not have had two different convos?

Maybe Noah thought that Reid was talking about fighting for his sight, and being brave enough to fight for his sight again, and, still blaming Luke, and still being pissed off that he can't see as well as he wants to, he decides that the tried and true method of blaming Luke and pushing him away will let him concentrate on what's ( ... )


mech_bull May 16 2011, 13:59:22 UTC
Lily probably thinks she knows exactly what he wants with her son.
Bow chicka wow wow.

Be more obvious that Reid makes you come in your pants, Luke!!!
I know - I love it!


dpracket May 16 2011, 14:03:59 UTC
"Control freak! I think that Luke is probably the better judge of what he needs. Though, I suppose in this case, what he really does need is for you to get the hell out of his life in order to make way for Dr. Oliver's love and cock, so, thanks for being such a horrible boyfriend in this particular instance."

Amen! Wake up and smell the hotness, Luke!


bigboobedcanuck May 16 2011, 14:13:18 UTC
what he really does need is for you to get the hell out of his life in order to make way for Dr. Oliver's love and cock, so, thanks for being such a horrible boyfriend in this particular instance.


Yeah, it's interesting that as soon as Reid tells him to fight for what he means (i.e. Luke), Noah decides to be a martyr by pushing Luke away yet again.

that glad-eye Luke gives Reid when he comes out from examining Noah? JFC! Be more obvious that Reid makes you come in your pants, Luke!!!

RIGHT? I'm like, Luke, your mom is STANDING RIGHT THERE. Heeeeeeeeee.

he cuts him off so many times, and even decides for Luke what Luke is trying to tell him, without actually listening to see if he's even close to right.

Yeah, even when he's trying to be supportive and understanding, he's still so controlling. That's just who he is, and again why he's SO wrong for Luke.


dpracket May 16 2011, 14:00:22 UTC
First the girly-girl, superficial comments: When Reid puts his phone in his back pocket, that's the second best scene involving the Tight Black Jeans of Mass Destruction...the first, of course, being golf day (*glances at own icon*). Luke's hair in this episode---me loves! Gah...the eye sexup when Reid comes out of the examination room! Dang. And finally...Reid sucking on a beer bottle. *rewind, rewind, rewind, rewind ( ... )


rhiannonhero May 16 2011, 14:10:17 UTC
And his "you have nothing to worry about from me," gets to me...not sure why.

I think there are so many layers to that moment. Yeah, you're right in that he'd never hurt Luke (on purpose), but also I think that's totally Woobie!Reid right there. He's sure that she has nothing to worry about from him, because Luke's at the pond with Noah, and he's outta the game. :( :( :( Reiddddddddd!!!!

and I think Reid just wants to stop putting himself through the torture of wanting Luke so desperately.

Me, too! Me, too!! :( Poor Reid!!!! Gahhhh!!!


dpracket May 16 2011, 14:23:11 UTC
I think I totally misread that scene, and you and Boobs are correct...it's not because he wouldn't hurt Luke...it's because he doesn't even think he has a shot in the dark. OMG; I love vulnerable, confidence-lacking Reid.


bigboobedcanuck May 16 2011, 14:19:38 UTC
that's the second best scene involving the Tight Black Jeans of Mass Destruction...the first, of course, being golf day (*glances at own icon*).


Thank you for your fantastic commentary as well!

his "you have nothing to worry about from me," gets to me...not sure why.

Me too. He's so vulnerable there. He really thinks that he doesn't have a chance of actually getting Luke. And he'd never hurt Luke.


mech_bull May 16 2011, 14:07:16 UTC
(albeit off-screen, because they had more important things to focus on, such as documenting Barbara's imprisonment with Chuckles in excruciating detail).
Note to self: don't read these when eating breakfast.

Man, Noah is such a jerkface. And I really do wonder what conversation he was having, because it wasn't the same one Reid was having. (This, of course, isn't a surprise. Noah only ever hears what he wants to hear.)

How can people ship Nuke? HOW? I don't understand!!!

I remember being so annoyed by Lily for her meddling back when I first saw this. Now, removed from it (and knowing that the cockblocking never ended, so it didn't matter how many people interfered), I agree with your POV on it and I remain a fan of Lily's interactions with Reid. NB gets some great snark in with ESS. And this may be because of the fic I'm working on, but they have some great chemistry too. Of course, ESS has chemistry with fricking everyone. Anyway, I wish we had seen more of Lily and Reid (or Reid with any of the other Snyders/Walshes/ ( ... )


rhiannonhero May 16 2011, 14:11:50 UTC
Of course, ESS has chemistry with fricking everyone.

He so does! He's like insta-chemistry!


sleeper6 May 16 2011, 14:13:33 UTC
NB gets some great snark in with ESS. And this may be because of the fic I'm working on, but they have some great chemistry too.
I agree. Looking forward to that fic. I do love Reid/Lily interactions in fics, especially if they get along (or trying to get along).


bigboobedcanuck May 16 2011, 14:24:19 UTC
Note to self: don't read these when eating breakfast.

Well, thank you! :D

How can people ship Nuke? HOW? I don't understand!!!

It's an eternal mystery! Truly, it baffles me.

I really enjoy Lily and Reid, and I agree they have great chemistry. It really does suck that we never got to see Lily coming around on screen. And to her immense credit, she never tries to stop Luke and Reid from getting together. No harebrained schemes like many people in Oakdale would have hatched. And she was such a defender of their love in the end.

And YES, so sad we missed out on more Reid interactions with Luke's family. But hey, Janet's mob exes were far more important!


Part 1 sleeper6 May 16 2011, 14:09:58 UTC
Because he's a 12-year-old girl trapped in the hot bod of a snarky neurosurgeon. Oh, Reid. How I love

Awww, such a nice way of describing him.

It's interesting what Luke talks about here at the beginning. He says he never expected to fall in love and then he met Noah and he did. And I think that explains a lot about why Luke is so devoted to Noah. He never thought he'd fall in love but once he did, he didn't want to let go of that love (and consequently, the man) because he probably thought he wouldn't find love a second time. But now that Luke thinks that could be a possibility with Reid (and I think Luke is here a bit more certain about his feelings for Reid, judging by what he tells Noah and his mom).

I like Lily/Reid. I wish they would've had more interactions. And here, even though Lily is still wary of Reid, she still is putting Luke's happiness first and if Luke wants Reid, then she'll accept it.

He adds that Noah should fight for what he wants, I think because Reid doesn't want Luke by default. He wants to win Luke fair ( ... )


Re: Part 1 bigboobedcanuck May 16 2011, 14:26:55 UTC
He never thought he'd fall in love but once he did, he didn't want to let go of that love (and consequently, the man) because he probably thought he wouldn't find love a second time.

Also, I think a vital part that Luke leaves out here is that it wasn't so much that he didn't think HE would fall in love (he'd already fallen for Kevin) -- the key is that Luke never thought anyone else would love HIM. So when Noah did, to Luke it was some miracle. And he was so grateful for it and clinged to it long after they should have gone their separate ways.

Oh, Luke. :((


Re: Part 1 rhiannonhero May 16 2011, 14:27:47 UTC


Re: Part 1 sleeper6 May 16 2011, 14:33:08 UTC
the key is that Luke never thought anyone else would love HIM. So when Noah did, to Luke it was some miracle. And he was so grateful for it and clinged to it long after they should have gone their separate ways.

Yes, that's it! Poor Luke.


Part 2--The Scene at Yo's sleeper6 May 16 2011, 14:11:36 UTC
The scene at Yo's--so much said in so few words. Love the looks these two exchange--they say so much, don't they ( ... )


Re: Part 2--The Scene at Yo's dpracket May 16 2011, 14:24:54 UTC
I could watch the "i'm not" line over and over. *sniff*


Re: Part 2--The Scene at Yo's smoothlikebutta May 17 2011, 02:46:40 UTC
The scene at Yo's--so much said in so few words. Love the looks these two exchange--they say so much, don't they?

I agree. Such a powerful, angsty scene. I felt so bad for Reid with the "I'm not" comment.


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