"As if dinners for two and walks in the park were my thing"

May 16, 2011 09:25

We pick up in today's episode back by the pond (although not Snyder Pond, I don't think; apparently Oakdale has many ponds to choose from to play host to relationship drama), and Luke opens up to Noah about how after being pushed away with both hands, he made himself stop pining after Noah. Meanwhile, Reid is picking up the pining slack as he mopes over Luke and deletes the picture he apparently took of Luke on the bull -- a picture he had made the background of the phone. Because he's a 12-year-old girl trapped in the hot bod of a snarky neurosurgeon. Oh, Reid. How I love.

Lily is not so smitten with him, and tells him at the hospital to treat Luke right. I know there's a ton of Lily hate out there, but I understand why she's so leery of Reid. Luke and Noah are both boys to her, and Reid is very much a man. A rude, arrogant man. I wouldn't want him dating my son either at first, and Lily does come around (albeit off-screen, because they had more important things to focus on, such as documenting Barbara's imprisonment with Chuckles in excruciating detail).

Back at the pond, Noah is being understanding of Luke's POV (something we know will drastically change in the near future!), and as Luke tries to explain further how he feels, Noah has had enough of that and is distracted by the ripples he can see when Luke tosses a stone into the water. Enough about you, Luke! It's been three whole minutes! Noah's joy over his newfound visual acuity is thwarted by some truly terrible acting sudden pain in his empty head.

Luke naturally blames himself for Noah's headache. Lily asks him what he'd say if Noah told him he was sorry and wanted him back right now. Luke doesn't answer the actual question, and just says that he still loves Noah. But it's clear at this point that he really does not want Noah back. Sure, he still loves him. But he knows that they are better off apart.

Reid tells Noah that he can't expect miracles and to get his life or his sight back exactly the way it was. He adds that Noah should fight for what he wants, I think because Reid doesn't want Luke by default. He wants to win Luke fair and square.

Noah: "I still love Luke as much as I ever have."

Now if that isn't the most back-handed statement of affection! Because I don't think he ever really loved Luke -- the real Luke -- very much at all.

Back in the hallway, Reid and Luke make googly eyes at each other before Reid mopes off. Then Noah, in a rare moment of self-awareness and honesty, admits what a douchey jerk he's been to Luke for months, and says Luke wouldn't have done that to him because Luke is better than him. Noah, it's not often we agree, but amen! Couldn't have said it better myself. Of course, note how he says Luke "was" his boyfriend -- past tense. Something that's going to change shortly. :| And, of course, Noah is just pushing Luke away once again when Luke wants to help him. They're just so toxic and not right for each other.

Luke tracks down Reid at Yo's, where they have an awkward and sad conversation. Reid leaves, saying he can't do this. He's so head over heels for Luke and afraid of getting hurt, so he's cutting his losses.

Meanwhile, Noah tells Lily that he's going to let Luke "off the hook" (how generous!), and Lily tells him that if he does, Luke might not come back. (And Lily is wise here, because Luke never does come back -- barring a moment of guilty desperation coming soon.)

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luke wants in reid's pants, reid is in doctor mode, poor bb luke, the douche remains douchey, flirty moments are flirty, being noah's boyf is v depressing :(, noah is scared of luke's peen, comment fic, luke and reid need to touch, not the parents of the year, reid wants in luke's big gay pants, video, reid's bringing sexy back, reid please cuddle luke, luke/reid rewatch, luke = love, jealous!reid is hot

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