"This is pathetic! You sent your boyfriend here to buy me off?"

Apr 04, 2011 00:05

Oh, no, Mr. Judd, he did not, but, see, his boyfriend just can't help himself, and that's why we love him!

But first, Reid is uber-impressed by Dusty's love for Janet (not) and delivers not really very reassuring statements about Dusty's prognosis while looking really damn hot and guh guh guh! Lip curls, hand porn, and that perfect length hair ( Read more... )

luke wants in reid's pants, champions of eyesex, luke = boyf of year, being reid's boyf is v awesome, flirty moments are flirty, being noah's boyf is v depressing :(, awesome moments in history, luke and reid need to touch, reid wants in luke's big gay pants, i am luke hear me roar, go luke! \o/, reid's bringing sexy back, luke's face, luke/reid rewatch, luke = love, reid pwns noah, other oakdale ppl

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Comments 40

dalia_chan April 4 2011, 04:27:03 UTC
Oh, how i loved this episode!!! mainly the scene with Reid and Luke in the office. Luke apologizing instantly - because you see, that's what he expects- to be chewed out for trying to HELP. as Noah has trained him to be that way. which makes Reid even more perfect for him to actually be grateful for the help.

also, love the little lip lick Luke does when Reid touches him (which is exactly what i'd do, but it would probably touch Reid's neck cuz i would have pounced on him by then. how fuckin' hot does he look in this episode, i mean really). around this time, whenever Luke brings up TD and how he is doing everything for him - i'm just sure he is saying that to try and convince HIMSELF he is. and that he definitely DOES NOT having feelings for Reid. but we all know better. XD


suzvoy April 4 2011, 05:21:13 UTC
and then he touches Luke's arm, and Luke's reaction is to squeal like a little girl on the inside and to make plans to call his bff to bring a daisy over to do 'loves me, loves me not' with the petals.

This is totally what happened! I saw it and everything!

Luke's reaction = AWESOME



smoothlikebutta April 4 2011, 05:31:50 UTC
Lip curls, hand porn, and that perfect length hair again, and the scrubsssssssss.

I agree that he looked really hot here. I am a huge fan of Reid in scrubs, especially with the gray shirt and jeans. Chris didn't get to dress like that.

It wasn't the best idea trying bribe Mr. Judd, but Luke's heart was in the right place. I loved his uh-oh face when Mr. Judd confronted Reid about his "boyfriend" was doing.

I loved the caramel latte scene--Luke knowing Reid's usual drink and Reid telling him not to divulge it to anyone. So cute. I loved that Reid had no clue why Luke would be apologizing and why he'd think Reid would be mad. I am glad Reid told him he was appreciative and impressed by Luke's actions--such a far cry from Noah. I also liked Luke's reaction to the arm touch--like it was a surprising little shock of electricity.

I felt somewhat bad for Reid when Luke clarified that what he did was for Noah. I think Reid was already falling for Luke at this point and wishing for that devotion to be directed toward him.


bluemagicrose April 4 2011, 06:30:36 UTC
I always wondered how Judd knew Reid was gay. I mean, why would he automatically assume that Luke was his boyfriend if he didn't know beforehand? Which just makes me want to know about Texas!Reid more.

I LOVE that Reid closes the file cabinet with his hip. I can't even really describe why. I just do. It's a thing. (iknowthathereallyclosesitwithhiskneebutletmehavethisokaythankyou)

I totally believed Luke when he said he went to Judd for Noah's sake. And it pissed me off and made me mad at Luke. I hate being mad at Luke. :(


laurondo April 4 2011, 06:48:38 UTC
I always wondered how Judd knew Reid was gay.

I took it as his way of trying to, like, insult Reid in a way. Most straight guys have the mentality that if you hint at a straight man being gay then it's as if it's the ultimate insult or some stupid thing like that, lol. I just assumed that that's what Judd was going for.


smittle April 4 2011, 09:00:36 UTC
Oh Luke, you have no idea how much Reid would love for you to butt into his business. Repeatedly.

I love watching Reid interact with other characters, even Janet. His muttered, completely insincere "Touching" in response to Janet's gushing over Dusty cracks me up every time.

Reid's in full-on sexy doctor mode here. Love how he sees through Dusty's act and goes along with it despite himself. We are treated to so much ubersexy handling of medical props here--the clipboard, the beeper, medical files--hand porn is right.

So much love for Luke trying to help with Judd, and so much love for Reid not feeling anything but gratitude for that help. The scene where Luke brings Reid coffee is one of my favorites. The genuine tenderness in Reid's voice as he thanks and reassures Luke and TOUCHES him is really sweet. Luke's startled response is adorable. Too bad Luke ruins the moment with Noah, but I guess someone had to remind us of his existence.


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