"This is pathetic! You sent your boyfriend here to buy me off?"

Apr 04, 2011 00:05

Oh, no, Mr. Judd, he did not, but, see, his boyfriend just can't help himself, and that's why we love him!

But first, Reid is uber-impressed by Dusty's love for Janet (not) and delivers not really very reassuring statements about Dusty's prognosis while looking really damn hot and guh guh guh! Lip curls, hand porn, and that perfect length hair again, and the scrubsssssssss.

Next Luke sees Mr. Judd hanging out and having coffee in Java, probably desperately rehearsing his upcoming lines in hopes of not winning the worst-day player who is also a giant award this year. Luke, being Luke, is...well, Luke, and I love him. Go do anything for the doctor you're hot for innocent but prickly doctor with a marshmallow center that you keep catching glimpses of whenever he eye fucks you. Oh, and okay, fine, try to help the blind douche while you're at it.

Reid shows up and sees Luke being Luke and is confused about what is going on. Mr.Judd sees what we see and understands instantly that Luke and Reid should be LUKE&REID MFEO OMG, and refers to Luke as Reid's boyfriend.

Reid demonstrates what we can expect from him in the future -- he is not offended or angry that Luke is being Luke. He's...rather sanguine about it all as he gets his page to return to the hospital. I mean, grumpily sanguine, but grumpy is his default state, so, you know,it's pretty sweet really. *sigh*

Luke goes to Mr. Judd and denies that he's Reid's boyfriend (I don't even think of him that way, I swear! Not even at night! And definitely not in the shower when I'm...I mean I'm not his boyfriend, okay? I LOVE NOAH!) and tries to talk Mr.Judd into dropping the lawsuit, saying all kinds of sweet things about Reid in the process.

Next up, Reid meets with Dusty and is hotttttttt. Um, all I know is he got all intense, and wow, it was delicious. Watch it. Um, he said something abut not getting dragged into Dusty's cover up, and he's snarky and mmmmmmm. Reid! Sorry, just watch the scene. I'm apparently too blinded by the sexy to report.

Janet and Reid interact, and Reid manages to maintain his doctor/patient confidentiality while not lying to her. Because Reid is a good man.

Luke shows up with a caramel latte whipped cream extra shot (Reid's usual at Java!!! Adorable! Such a caffeinated softie inside!) and is shocked that Reid is not angry with him for interfering with Mr. Judd. He's so used to his abusive boyfriend's reactions to any kind of solo decision making that he's stunned by someone who's all, "Nah, it was cool actually." Or, to use Reid's words, "I'm impressed."

Luke? He's never imagined such a thing possible! He's chuffed! And Reid's sweet to him with his little eyes of gentle affection, and then he touches Luke's arm, and Luke's reaction is to squeal like a little girl on the inside and to make plans to call his bff to bring a daisy over to do 'loves me, loves me not' with the petals.

Luke decides to make sure that Reid knows he didn't speak to Mr. Judd for Reid, but for Noah. And I think Reid believes him. But I sure don't.

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luke wants in reid's pants, champions of eyesex, luke = boyf of year, being reid's boyf is v awesome, flirty moments are flirty, being noah's boyf is v depressing :(, awesome moments in history, luke and reid need to touch, reid wants in luke's big gay pants, i am luke hear me roar, go luke! \o/, reid's bringing sexy back, luke's face, luke/reid rewatch, luke = love, reid pwns noah, other oakdale ppl

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