Je ne sais pas... srsly

Apr 03, 2010 21:40

So, I had the weirdest moment where my imagination ran away with me, like, a second ago. It was weird.

We were watching this movie on Sci-fi channel or SyFy or whatever it’s called now.  This lady was being menaced by the Hoff.  Yes, that’s right, she was being menaced by this guy:

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the hoff, randomness

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Comments 4

weavemeadream April 4 2010, 01:52:12 UTC
I adore your posts. Just so you know.


noacat April 4 2010, 02:54:19 UTC
Hee. I'm glad. Each post is handcrafted with my brand of weirdness -- all for you! Your icon is made of win, btw.


fragmentedsky April 4 2010, 03:14:15 UTC
You are a joy, and I deeply appreciate your investment in the fun of my FList. ♥


noacat April 4 2010, 04:30:35 UTC
I don't do it often anymore, but I feel like writing a entry when I have something to say, even if it's silly, is better than just writing whatever. I really felt like this HAD to be shared with the world. Some might question this decision... but I feel we'd all be worse off not knowing that the Hoff is capable of flight in my dreams.


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