Je ne sais pas... srsly

Apr 03, 2010 21:40

So, I had the weirdest moment where my imagination ran away with me, like, a second ago. It was weird.

We were watching this movie on Sci-fi channel or SyFy or whatever it’s called now.  This lady was being menaced by the Hoff.  Yes, that’s right, she was being menaced by this guy:


Anyway, while I was watching, I got to thinking about what I’d do if I was menaced by the Hoff.  The answer came easily enough.  I’d offer him a cheeseburger, naturally.  There’d be a tense moment or two, where I would hesitate, scared he might bite me, and he’d hesitate because he doesn’t trust humans yet but ultimately he’d take the cheeseburger, eating it warily as he watched me and I watched him.  And then he’d growl for seemingly no reason at all and I’d close my eyes and hold out my hand - just like that one  moment in “How to Train Your Dragon”.  And then the Hoff would put his head on my hand, just like Toothless did with Hiccup and then we’d fly away.

This is how my brain works.

Sometime I’ll have to tell you all about that one dream I had with the bugs and the dead lady in the wall.  It was a loo-loo.

the hoff, randomness

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