(no subject)

Aug 28, 2013 19:29

It's painfully obvious that I rarely post here anymore. This was my home for awhile but I have moved on. I'm over at tumblr now. Tumblr is ideal for me as an artist because it makes posting images really easy in a way that has never been possible here. I'll miss the friends I made here and I hope y'all understand my decision. I won't be deleting this journal at all. I just won't ever post here again. So if you'd like to de-friend this account, I'm cool with that and I understand. No one wants a basically inactive account in their roster, I get that.

Most of all, I really want to express how much fun I had here for the longest time and how dear to me you all are. You guys are awesome. Stay awesome!

If you like, go ahead and scamper over there and follow me. Just let me know you're from lj and I'll friend you right the hell back.


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