Reminder that I no longer post here

Jul 01, 2014 00:32

Sooner or later, I may delete this journal. As of now, I haven't decided to do that because of sentimentality. But I may do that sooner or later. Anyway, if you'd still be interested, you can find me at my new home at tumblr:

Not linked properly because I can't be assed to. I'm laaaazy. Just copy and past it or look me up on the look up deal on the tumblrs. Let me know you're from lj by dropping an ask, and I'll follow you.

Many thanks for all the years of fun I had here. I really love you all. You've all made my time in fandom a delightful place and I'm happy to have met you, whether or not you decide to continue to follow me.

Feel free to unfriend this account, if you wish. I completely understand. This journal will not be updated much, unless it's a message like this or maybe one where I finally give the whole thing up. lol

You'll also not that I've made most of my old journals private. I have no interest in looking up what I thought about 11 years ago and even less in keeping it up for anyone else to peruse, as if anyone would -- I mean, really. If there was a mass delete button to delete every last post I had, I would. But again, I can't be assed to go back and painstakingly delete every last post. It's too much fucking work.

Anyway, I hope to see you on tumblr. If not, I had a lot of fun and I wish you the very best.


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