Aug 15, 2015 20:15

So this is your friendly reminder that this is a super dead journal that I'm only keeping up until I decide to delete it. This is a relic of my early 2000s fandom life and I'm still sentimental about it, hence why I haven't brutally deleted this journal outright.

I had a really great time here. And I love everyone I met here. Like, my life is super better for having met you all. But livejournal doesn't really serve my purposes any more. It's functionality hasn't evolved. LJ isn't home anymore. You can find me here: MEOWMIXREMIX

Your faces are all beautiful and I love you. Hit me up at my tumblr. Send me a message tho, so I know who to follow. I accidentally followed this tea party blog that is literally terrible. And now I'm too nervous to un-follow... the point is, come over and follow me and I'll follow your silly face back. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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