DPP: He Said, She Said

Oct 10, 2012 06:52

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Comments 32

callmeonetrack October 10 2012, 10:53:10 UTC
reality television


embolalia October 10 2012, 15:57:51 UTC
I totally think Kara would watch Survivor or that sort of thing, if only to tell the people on TV what they're doing wrong. Lee would roll his eyes but secretly get really into Project Runway and Top Chef.


callmeonetrack October 10 2012, 10:53:25 UTC
candy corn flavored everything (did you know they even made Oreos?)


winegums October 10 2012, 13:36:47 UTC
candy corn flavoured Oreos sound SERIOUSLY unappealing, and somehow I don't see Lee as someone who cares for that stuff, and when it comes to junk food, Kara in my head is more a potato-chip liker.

(I think she'd care passionately about chocolate, though, for some reason)


callmeonetrack October 10 2012, 10:53:56 UTC
the current presidential election (bonus points if you want to work Roslin or Lee's own candidacy in there somehow..or Baltar)


winegums October 10 2012, 13:44:36 UTC
I think Kara is a registered Republican (as per RDM too) but she is going to vote for the Democrat presidential candidate cause the Republican one keeps saying stupid things and she doesn't like the notion of him being anti-choice when there's no apocalypse and no particular need to restrict access to reproductive healthcare/abortions.

and I don't think Lee would vote Republican either.


rachelindeed October 10 2012, 22:09:39 UTC
I think Lee would vote Democratic, but he would probably also be an activist to some extent in his spare time, and I think he might be a voice for compromise and bipartisanship.

I kind of think Kara wouldn't vote. I think she sees all politicians as essentially out for themselves and she doesn't care enough about which elite wealthy figurehead gets elected to put too much time/thought into following their campaigns. I think she figures she does her part for the community by serving in their defense, and she can leave the politics to be argued over by people who care more about it.


callmeonetrack October 10 2012, 11:04:14 UTC
Gangnam Style (IDEK what the heck this is)


winegums October 10 2012, 22:22:33 UTC
Kara would find it hilarious and kind of awesome, Lee would be embarrassed by how much he likes it. And they would both totally end up drinking with Psy if they ever met him :)


callmeonetrack October 10 2012, 11:05:06 UTC
Fifty Shades of Grey


winegums October 10 2012, 13:40:10 UTC
Lee would want it gone to the fiery depths of obscurity for being badly-written and glorifying abusive characters, Kara would just make a 'wtf' face and ignore it completely, her tastes in literature are a touch more highbrow ;)


scifishipper October 10 2012, 14:08:44 UTC
I think they'd try it, methodical-like, with Lee having a checklist and all. ;)


winegums October 10 2012, 14:12:32 UTC
I think it's really too basic for them - they'd both be more likely to use The Story of O or even Anaïs Nin as inspiration for those checklists.


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