Struggles, Humanity, and Everything That Sucks

Jun 18, 2012 13:49

Hello shippers! Sorry for the delay in posting today - I have been caught up in a flurry of fic writing for the Lee Adama Ficathon and have barely remembered to even eat. But thanks to taragel's gentle nudge, I am here now, so please come out and play.

Today's Topic: Struggles, Humanity, and Everything that SucksBattlestar Galactica is one of the darkest ( Read more... )


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Comments 9

LELAND! scifishipper June 18 2012, 17:58:49 UTC
I'll tackle Lee first since he is most accessible to me.

I think I identified first with Lee's struggle to relate to his father and the ever-present feeling that he was not good enough or that his father was not proud of him. I have experienced that kind need for approval, as many of us have, and empathized strongly with his pain around his father's absences and high standards.

I also identified with Lee feeling like an outsider and thrust into a job that was waaaay over his head. I saw his pain and how he covered it with bravado so well, too well, in fact, and pushed many people away with perceived arrogance. His struggles really spoke to me at the beginning, but even more as the series went along.

I love and hate so many of his qualities and find myself sharing some of the unflattering ones, which I will not enumerate here, LOL. But I understood most if not all of his actions from a strongly personal perspective that has been shaped over time and writing and many discussions with fangirls around the comms and in person.


kdbleu June 18 2012, 18:36:34 UTC
I am fascinated by the way they flirt with Lee suffering from depression. Sometimes I wish thay had faced it more head on, after his spacewalk or during S3 after the destruction of the Pegasus through Kara's death, but another part of likes the bits are simply dropped in making him real.


callmeonetrack June 18 2012, 18:53:55 UTC
One of my favorite Kara quotes is: "So, Life's a bitch. What do you wanna do, cry about it?" And she never does. She keeps going, she moves on, even when it hurts, even when she's down, even when people (especially the people she cares about most) behave horribly and insult her and knock her down. <3 <3 <3 Kara is seldom given to outward displays of self pity ( ... )


howlinchickhowl June 18 2012, 20:28:19 UTC
GAH it's too difficult I have so many thoughts and can't make any of them into sentences!!!

My brain is not on today :( This is a really cool topic though.


scifishipper June 18 2012, 20:33:28 UTC
Awww! *pets your brain*


word_vomity June 18 2012, 20:58:53 UTC
Yes, me too! My whole comment is nonsense, lol! But I tried.


word_vomity June 18 2012, 20:57:47 UTC
Kara is absurdity and ridiculousness. She's impossible to put your finger on. Very much a fluid character that's born anew with every passing moment. She's always so, so, so many conflicting things. I am very much drawn to people like this. That you want to understand but can never really grab onto. I always feel like that is true of me as well. Anytime someone asks me to describe myself, I can't because any word I use, I immediately feel the need to then use its foil, and then what the hell's the point of even trying. And that's so very Kara too. She is all the things! There is no grand puzzle that will eventually all come together and explain who/how she is. She's just a jumble of nonsense and passion and life ( ... )


scifishipper June 18 2012, 21:03:34 UTC
Actually, I think this is one of the most interesting and thought-provoking descriptions of Kara I have ever read. You've captured so many things about her that often elude me. Bravo!


word_vomity June 18 2012, 23:45:40 UTC
Wow, thanks! Glad it wasn't the pure gibberish I'd thought it was. even a broken clock you know... :-)


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