Struggles, Humanity, and Everything That Sucks

Jun 18, 2012 13:49

Hello shippers! Sorry for the delay in posting today - I have been caught up in a flurry of fic writing for the Lee Adama Ficathon and have barely remembered to even eat. But thanks to taragel's gentle nudge, I am here now, so please come out and play.

Today's Topic: Struggles, Humanity, and Everything that Sucks

Battlestar Galactica is one of the darkest shows that has ever aired on television (source: me) and it tackled themes of nuclear holocaust, racial annihilation, child trafficking, cancer, war, death, injury, post-traumatic stress, depression, suicide, hopelessness and much more. But it did it often with a storytelling technique that was compelling and engendered hope and love for the characters in the show (or at least most of them, bc we all have those we don't like).

Today, my questions are about the difficult themes of the show, the struggles, and the things that suck and how they relate to pilots. (What?)

To clarify, I want to know how you connected to Kara and Lee and their individual and/or relationship struggles in the show. I want to know what aspects of each of those characters, separately and together, drew you in and never let go? And I don't mean the things you love, because those are many, but instead the difficult and painful struggles that each of them faced. How did and do you relate to those themes?

You can be as personal or as vague as you like, and you can post anonymously if you like, too.

If you don't want to share personally, that's totally fine of course, but maybe you can talk about the individual and/or relationship struggles that you find particularly compelling to read or write in fic. What attracts you to them?

What challenges do you love to see them struggle with and overcome (in fic or in canon)? Or maybe you like the idea that they don't tie everything in a neat little bow and like the messiness of their lives.

Also, what challenges did they have that you saw them actually overcome in canon? Any? None? You tell me. What do you think?

Tell us everything, shippers. Everyone else, please chime in and begin a conversation. I'm excited to peel the onion!


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