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Comments 45

witherwings December 2 2011, 09:21:45 UTC
Lee's fingers


witherwings December 2 2011, 09:22:27 UTC
Kara's knee


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Trembling, M word_vomity December 2 2011, 17:32:03 UTC
Ohhhh good stuff. I love how anxious for him she is. And how it quickly spread to him too. :)

I especially like . . .

But the memory of that, or those knees wrapped around his waist, shaking not with repressed lust but trembling on the path to climax, then twitching from the achieved high, made his head loose out to his body.

BUT for some reason my brain read THAT LINE ONLY in Bear Gryyl's voice. WTF??


Re: Trembling, M wicked_sassy December 2 2011, 19:18:22 UTC
Rawr, good stuff!!

glowy, she was NOT. Ha! Lee would totally think that.


witherwings December 2 2011, 09:23:28 UTC
Lee's shoulder


witherwings December 2 2011, 09:24:09 UTC
Kara's eyes


scifishipper December 2 2011, 13:06:19 UTC
Kara's back


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