DPP: Body parts

Dec 02, 2011 09:19

Monday's DPP was Celebrations. We have lots of prompts, and one lovely ficlet by kballgetlost. Please go leave some love in the form of reviews :)

Tuesday was pilots picspam day, and there are some glorious pilots moments. Stop by and revel in the pilot-y joy.

Wednesday was Interventions - some really interesting points of intervention in pilots relationship came up :)

Yesterday brought up the Daybreak rage.

Today I thought we'd try the fic prompting/writing again. Today's theme is body parts. Fic can be any length, but has to include the body part named in the prompt. If leaving prompts, please try and make it more specific than just a body part by tying it to a certain pilot. For example, Lee's fingers or Kara's knee.

fic prompts, fic, dpp, pic, daily pilots post

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