DPP: genre fic recs

Dec 03, 2011 19:32

Monday's DPP was Celebrations. We have lots of prompts, and one lovely ficlet by kballgetlost. Please go leave some love in the form of reviews :)

Tuesday was pilots picspam day, and there are some glorious pilots moments. Stop by and revel in the pilot-y joy.

Wednesday was Interventions - some really interesting points of intervention in pilots relationship came up :)

Thursday brought up the Daybreak rage.

Yesterday were body part fics, and this post is still open for anyone wishing to write. There are also a couple of brilliant ficlets (one by rirenec here and one by pocochina here) - please go and leave feedback on them :)

Today we're leaving genre fic recs. Leave a comment containing a genre of fic you'd like to read more of, and then hopefully other people will leave you recommendations of fics they like in that genre. Leave as many recs as you can for your fellow shippers :)

fic, fic recs, dpp, pic, daily pilots post

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