<3 Meme!

Nov 15, 2010 05:31

I don't know if I'm the only one, but I'm feeling that there's some general gloominess going around lately. Maybe in some areas people are still getting used to colder weather and less sun; maybe everyone is just busy and stressed this time of year. Or maybe you don't know what the frak I'm talking about cause your month is just awesome, but either ( Read more... )


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Comments 326

thegreenkitty November 15 2010, 15:22:51 UTC
Awww, yes, this DPP is definitely needed. Yay!!

I love you shipper nation!! (And I'll be back later...and I will send you love even if you don't post your name...so there.) ♥


rachelindeed November 15 2010, 16:28:51 UTC
Oh, Liz, you are such a lovely presence on these boards, so welcoming and generous personally and with such a great love for these damaged but beautiful characters. You have helped me to appreciate Kara *even more* than I already did, which makes me happy. And just looking at the posts you have left for others reminds me of what a sweetheart you are. Thank you.


amidala_thrace November 15 2010, 17:17:28 UTC
You're my sister Cylon, so how could you NOT rock? ;D In all seriousness, I really admire your strength and your refusal to be defeated, no matter what circumstances might confront you. You're a supportive friend, you're kind and funny, and I loved hanging out with you at D*C. Lizes are AWESOME! *MWAH*


aurora_0811 November 15 2010, 17:39:06 UTC
Liz! *hugs* You're fab and so much fun to talk, spaz and have a good time with. I love how much we have in common and I really look forward to seeing you again one of these days! You're always a cheerleader for everyone in shipper nation and fierce defender of all that is piloty. You rock! <3 *HUGS*


kdbleu November 15 2010, 15:49:08 UTC
I am busy and stressed out, and right now, not really awake so all I can manage is a weak wave. *waves*

And a kiss *mwah*


thegreenkitty November 15 2010, 15:57:09 UTC

It is early your time. You are awesome to even be up and taking care of your lovely kiddos. Also, you write fantastic comment!fic, make us socks and other goodies, and are patient when i am (inevitably) slow. And...you think of good names for kids. :) ♥


kdbleu November 16 2010, 01:09:26 UTC
And you'd think that now that it was later my time, I'd be more with it, but alas... it's time to fix dinner.

And don't worry about being slow (or sloe which is what I typed first and now I want a drink). ;D


rachelindeed November 15 2010, 16:33:02 UTC
Sorry for your stresses, but I hope it will be a small comfort to you to be reminded that your awesomeness is incontrovertible. I second the love for your writing, you have a way of catching the reality of the K/L relationship -- the details of your stories are always powerful and yet not sentimental. You just have a very strong and interesting voice, and your meta comments are also really concisely insightful.

Plus, your love for the pretty increases my own. Thanks.


shah_of_blah November 15 2010, 16:07:09 UTC
I could use some love. :)

Be back later to comment on other people's threads...


rachelindeed November 15 2010, 16:39:02 UTC
You are such a lovely writer, I not only enjoy your stories, I *admire* them. I'm so glad you share your talent with us, and your love for Kara and K/L is inspiring. Thank you!


shah_of_blah November 16 2010, 03:41:33 UTC
Thank you Rachel! That's pretty much exactly how I feel about you. ;)


stripes13 November 15 2010, 17:18:49 UTC
I am very happy to have gotten to know you, and that we share a mutual love of Will/Lyra (I was watching Golden Compass last night and remembered that I promised to read them again)



amidala_thrace November 15 2010, 16:12:30 UTC
Just what the doctor ordered for a Monday. :) I too shall return on my lunch hour to comment to other threads!


rachelindeed November 15 2010, 16:43:04 UTC
I just want to say thank you, not just for being an amazingly prolific author, but for being a unique voice in the fandom who unabashedly loves so many characters and relationships. I love that you never bash characters but rather see the beauty in everyone. And you are very modest and self-effacing, but I hope you know what a talented person you are, and how much we all appreciate having you with us :)


amidala_thrace November 15 2010, 17:45:10 UTC
Well, of course you know I'm blushing now! ;D Thank you for this lovely comment! I write because I love to, because it's something that brings me joy, and if other folks happen to like my work and get enjoyment out of it too, so much the better. :) Being a part of the Star Wars fandom for so many years taught me a lot about the value of sticking up for myself even when I hold an opinion that's not as popular, so I think I've probably carried that over here - and luckily, BSG fandomers don't create nearly as much drama as SW folks!

Thanks again. <333


scifishipper November 15 2010, 19:52:58 UTC
Liz. I am in awe. Having met you and knowing all that you have achieved humbles me and makes me strive for so much more from myself. You are an inspiration.


olaf47 November 15 2010, 16:33:20 UTC
This is exactly what I need this week. Thank you!



rachelindeed November 15 2010, 16:49:31 UTC
May I just say that "honey, it lights up the sky" is made of so much win I can't even calculate its total winninity. You rock.


olaf47 November 16 2010, 03:52:15 UTC

You rock.


kag523 November 15 2010, 19:59:46 UTC
I'm only starting to explore your fic writing, but I have to say that what I've read, I've LOVED. You are amazing! :>)


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