<3 Meme!

Nov 15, 2010 05:31

I don't know if I'm the only one, but I'm feeling that there's some general gloominess going around lately. Maybe in some areas people are still getting used to colder weather and less sun; maybe everyone is just busy and stressed this time of year. Or maybe you don't know what the frak I'm talking about cause your month is just awesome, but either way, let's have a


Do we have to kiss each other, you ask? Nay! Here are the ways of this love meme:

1. Leave a comment with your name. People reply to the comment and give you love, because you're awesome.

2. OR, if you're the shy "I don't wanna be an attention whore" type, comment with a question so that people will talk about you anyway. Such as "Which of my fics do you like best?" "Which of my DPP days was the most fun?" "What BSG character would you ship me with?" Etc. Fellow members may slyly imply love in addition to answering your question.


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