Find the Fanon Challenge

Oct 23, 2010 03:05


The Rules

How well do you know your fandom, shipper nation? Let's find out! Below is a list of 20 fanon creations--fic, graphics, fanmixes, and other fun stuff--relating to our fair pilots. Your mission? Travel through LJ and the web collecting links to these items, and be the first to complete the list and post it here in the comments! ETA: I've decided belatedly since there are actual prizes involved to screen the comments. I'll unscreen any replies to general questions that could help the group.

1) You can choose to hunt alone or form up on someone's six for support/faster kill time, but the first three individuals or teams to submit a correct and completed list win a prize! Prize winners can choose from: a fic request, a vid request, a 2-month 140 extra userpics package, or 500 LJ tokens.

2) There are multiple correct "answers" for every item. Some will be harder to find than others, but rest assured, every item does exist somewhere out there in LJ land.

3) All items collected MUST be pre-existing. You can not make a new item to fit the description and submit that.

4) Make sure you submit a link to where each and every item can be found. When it says "name this...", name it and ALSO provide a link to where it can be found.

5) Any questions? Leave 'em in the first thread of the comments!

The Items

01) A pre-mini/academy fic where Kara DOES NOT call Lee “flyboy”
02) Name pilot!babies from four fics (and link to fics).
03) An AU fic where Lee is an only child/Zak never existed
04) An AU fic where Kara was never abused
05) List the name of a bar that Lee owns in a fic (and link to fic).
06) A fic containing an Arrow of Apollo joke
07) A fic where Kara is referenced as Artemis
08) A fic where they flirt/get inappropriate over the coms
09) A fic featuring a stuffed animal

10) A picspam where the goddess aurora statuette makes an appearance
11) A BSG/Buffy crossover icon
12) An icon featuring the pigeon
13) A wallpaper that features a pilot handshake
14) An LJ Layout that features BSG quotes/references as substitutes for the standard tool bar headers (i.e. Recent Entries, Friends, Profile, etc.)

15) A shipper vid where no one drinks alcohol
16) A shipper vid to an 80s song
17) A fanmix that includes a song by Lifehouse

18) A mixed drink recipe named after pilots (one or both)
19) A food item (pic or recipe) in honor of/relating to pilots
20) A knitted or crocheted item related to pilots

ETA 7:40 PM EST -- WE HAVE OUR FIRST WINNER! Congratulations shah_of_blah!

ETA 10:50 PM EST -- AND WE HAVE OUR SECOND PLACE WINNER! Congratulations lotus79 !

ETA 11:15 AM EST Wed 10/27--Finally we have our third place winner! Congrats thegreenkitty !

Thanks for playing, those who did, I'll unscreen all the comments now.

scavenger hunt, pilots games, dpp

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