Wrapping it Up

Oct 24, 2010 18:35

So we're still awaiting entry/winner #3 on our Online Scavenger Hunt -- Is anyone out there still playing? Hope so! And as we approach Halloween, don't forget that there are tricks and treats (and adorable commentfic!) posted over here for your enjoyment. Or if you're feeling romantic and nostalgic about pilots, you could add to our list of all the things they never did or said  on this post. PLUS, we're still welcoming feedback on how we should conduct a Shipper Secret Santa Exchange right over here. So check out what you missed and feel free to keep adding your thoughts!

We also are looking for three more slots to fill in our DPP schedule in December. You know you want to drive this crazy train!

To wrap up the week, I think I'm just gonna bomb you all with gifs and pretties. Add your own in the comments!

gifs, dpp, wrap-up post

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