DPP: Happiness and Angst Meme

Oct 02, 2010 00:27

Happy Weekend, Shipper Nation!! Maybe it's just me, but this week has seemed rather stressful and angsty in many of our real lives +/- shipperland. I know several of us are feeling burnt out or just done with bsg in general, multiple shippers have expressed job stress, everyone's to-do lists seem to be overflowing, and the Marriott Massacre (as ( Read more... )

meme, dpp, discussion

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Comments 15

thegreenkitty October 2 2010, 05:06:51 UTC
Okay, since I'm already here, I'll do my best to start us off strong ( ... )


rachelindeed October 2 2010, 19:35:19 UTC
Hello! There's a little interview clip posted over on Bamber News that brightened my weekend -- it's Jamie with his typically odd fashion sense answering random questions as one of the guests on an ITV morning chat show. My favorite is around the 3:33 minute mark, when his host asks him what his favorite kind of sandwich is and whether he ever watches an apparently popular UK show about dancing. He says his little girls love the dancing show, so the interviewer says he should make an appearance on it. There's something about the way he says "I would make a horrible, horrible dancer" that makes me gleeful!

Here's the interview


kdbleu October 3 2010, 04:10:36 UTC
Is it wrong that I really liked his jacket? Cuz I did.


thegreenkitty October 3 2010, 05:00:43 UTC
Oh, my dear. I will admit the jacket made me grin. It was very Jamie, especially when he pointed out the peppermint stripes that made it even worse!!

In answer to your question though...I don't know. It might be wrong to like that jacket. I'm pleading the 5th. ;)


kdbleu October 3 2010, 05:07:54 UTC
I kind of have a thing for the quirky fashion of British men. *shrug* Just one of those things.


I have been FAIL about participating. #fact kag523 October 2 2010, 23:17:56 UTC
Okay, I am feeling awful for being so out of touch, so I'm going to post a couple of my "happy" things...

1) This video always makes me laugh. Can't really tell you why.

2) This No_Takebacks fic post has about a hundred stories I haven't read. It is bookmarked on my computer as "Fic I Need To Read"

3) Random pretty you might not have seen

4) And just because crack!pics make me laugh... Here's a submission dedicated to you fangirls over on twitter...

... )


Re: I have been FAIL about participating. #fact thegreenkitty October 3 2010, 05:27:21 UTC
Awww, babe, no worries!! You were finishing fic. Also, this week has been insanity for all of us from where I'm standing. ;)

BUT...thanks bunches for the links and cracky goodness!!!

Hee, it's been so long since I've listened to the Beastie Boys that I never would've connected them to bsg. That vid is awesome.

The fic recs...yep, I have an endless list. Some of those weren't on it. (I think I was kinda MIA during that DPP due to work and other RL crazy.) IMO, there can never be enough fic recs though. One of my wishes, ever since I was a child, was to just have a year or two where I could sit under a tree and read everything. I guess some people call that year or two "college" but alas, my college years were too busy for that. Maybe retirement?

Tumblr goodness!! Thanks for the link. I haven't really explored tumblr...too much to do, too little time. That thread is gorgeous though.

And...cowboy/towel Lee!!! *squees* Never gets old.

Thanks for the yummy, babe!!


Re: I have been FAIL about participating. #fact kag523 October 3 2010, 14:24:09 UTC
Thanks, hon! I still feel guilty about not participating though. *hides face* I am bad when I get absorbed into the vortex of fic. Thank YOU for a lovely week though. I've been lurking in the shadows. K :>)


Re: I have been FAIL about participating. #fact thegreenkitty October 4 2010, 05:07:52 UTC
Don't feel guilty, hon!! I'm glad you enjoyed the lurking. There have been plenty of weeks for me too where the energy to post is just not there...and it has nothing to do w/ the DPP or pilots...usually it's work or stress of some sort. And thank you for all the gorgeous contributions to Team Galactica!! :)


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