DPP: Happiness and Angst Meme

Oct 02, 2010 00:27

Happy Weekend, Shipper Nation!! Maybe it's just me, but this week has seemed rather stressful and angsty in many of our real lives +/- shipperland. I know several of us are feeling burnt out or just done with bsg in general, multiple shippers have expressed job stress, everyone's to-do lists seem to be overflowing, and the Marriott Massacre (as Tara so aptly dubbed it) this morning in relation to plans for rooming as a group at D*C 2011 was both frustrating and disappointing.

So where do we go from here? What do you do when you're "all outta angst" (which, btw, is an awesome song courtesy of NoFX)? As shippers, we tend to stick together and have relatively similar views on many topics, so today I'd like to propose that we each offer some of our favorite ways of making ourselves happier, more relaxed, and able to take a break from the angst. If you have specific K/L or shipper things to suggest, please do since this is still a Daily Pilots Post. However, feel free to make other suggestions as well since good mental health among shippers is essential for keeping K/L Shipper Nation the relatively friendly and supportive community we have come to know and love.

In order to provide some pilots! motivation, I offer the three solutions to Friday's puzzles, all of which represent times when Kara and Lee were expressing support for one another.

The puzzles are still posted, so feel free to go play if you'd like. (Jigsaw puzzles are relaxing.) ;) Prizes for those who guessed the pics from yesterday's post will be forthcoming.

(p.s.--Venting can also be good for the soul. As this is the "happiness and angst" post, you are welcome to share the angst as well. However, I'd like to try to keep our posts constructive and primarily aimed at shipper tips for relaxed, happy living.)

meme, dpp, discussion

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