DPP: "We're all friendlies. So, let's just... be friendly!!" FRIENDING MEME take 2!

Sep 27, 2010 06:10

Happy Monday Shipper Nation!! I'm Liz and I'm excited to be your DPP driver this week. I've got games, memes, ficlets, and other goodies planned so I hope you'll drop by throughout the week.

First, a huge shout-out to sci_fi_shipper for an amazing week full of insightful discussion, gorgeous and adorable artwork and scenarios for happy pilots, comment!fic, ( Read more... )

meme, dpp

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Comments 178

thegreenkitty September 27 2010, 10:27:40 UTC
My answers:
1. thegreenkitty, callsign Trooper, you're also welcome to call me Liz
2. 2008 during early S4
3. lurking in 2008, active since 2009
4. K/L is my first and only fandom.
5. learned how to post picspam, fanmixes, written drabbles, read fanfic, gone to a con, currently working on learning to vid and make icons...oh, and chopped my hair with a pocket knife one night...inspired by Kara in Torn, also considering a tattoo of "nothing but the rain"
6. maybe ;)
7. UB/UBex, Home 1+2, Captain's Hand, AoC/YCGHA, Scar
8. reading classic literature, theater, veterinary medicine, exploring/travel, sleep


koolaidmom11 September 27 2010, 17:05:34 UTC
Hey thanks for doing this. It's how i started here.


thegreenkitty September 27 2010, 17:14:43 UTC
Of course. Shah had a great idea with this one! :)


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ninjamonkey73 September 27 2010, 11:02:37 UTC
1. Your username, callsign if applicable, +/- anything else you prefer (or don't mind) being called.
ninjamonkey73, callsign Blackbird, many humans call me Amy
2. When did you start watching bsg?
New Years Eve (2009/2010)
3. When did you enter fandom?
March 2010
4. Is K/L your first/only fandom or are you a multi-fandom type?
It's not my first internet fandom (Star Trek: Voyager REPRESENT!), and not my only at the moment (Castle), although it IS the only one I actively participate in.
5. Have you done things you never dreamed you would in order to participate in fandom? Examples?
Um, write p0rn and post it on the internet?
6. Any current projects you want to advertise?My current project is not fandom related, actually, although the fandom (and fandom writers) have helped inspire me to get back to writing the original novel I started 13 years ago. If I get a draft finished by the end of this year like I want to, I might write a Lee/Kara kink where Lee is the Dominant. But stopping what I'm working on would be wrong. I will NOT switch ( ... )


thegreenkitty September 27 2010, 16:22:20 UTC
LOL, Amy!! What is it about the Wonder Twins that make us write p0rn?? (Besides the angst, UST, and gorgeousness that is them of course.) Wow, I'd never written fic at all...and now I'm writing K/L p0rn. WTFrak is wrong with us ( ... )


ninjamonkey73 September 27 2010, 16:36:45 UTC
What kind of medical software? That is fascinating. Do you mind me asking what type degree you have for that? (Is it more tech based and just happens that you do medical stuff or is it a combo of medical and tech knowledge?) *curious about varied job opportunities*

OK. You'll LOVE this. My college degree is in Elementary Education, but I had a change of heart and started looking for computer-related work. My company does whole-hospital software written in our own programming language, so they'll hire anyone off the street if they pass the aptitude test. Which I did.

I had been thinking career change and went to a job fair with my then-boyfriend-now-husband and brought a few resumes of mine. He didn't get a job from that fair, but I did! I'm a programming supervisor and everything now, which is sort of like teaching little kids. ;)

OMG, no more talk of kink! I have no time to add that project! Bad kitty! No matter how very true your observations are!


thegreenkitty September 27 2010, 18:10:29 UTC
Ha! Go Job Fair. That's awesome; I never thought those things worked. And of course you passed the aptitude test. ;)

Wow, I could not teach elementary education. Children are nice one at a time for short periods but I am not at all motivated to enter a room with many of them present. They are little vectors carrying all kinds of disease...from colds, to lice, to chicken pox. Ick. :P

*grins* Okay, I will be quiet for now, bb. All I have to say though is that L/k D/s needs to be written. I'm trying but I don't write fic and it is not really a skill I possess. I will write the meta as above. You write the fic. SSWA. ;)


swamp_ariadne September 27 2010, 13:55:44 UTC
1. Your username, callsign if applicable, +/- anything else you prefer (or don't mind) being called ( ... )


ninjamonkey73 September 27 2010, 14:14:47 UTC
Writing for this fandom is too intimidating.

We'll be gentle. Write away!


thegreenkitty September 27 2010, 16:33:50 UTC
I adore Ophelia. She is my favorite Shakespearean character ever. LOL about our ships drowning in the swamp. It is disheartening. I do love the swamp imagery though. An old friend and I always get each other bath petals for gifts so we can float in the bath with flowers all around us. (We're morbid...it's morbid humor...but hey, it's somehow soothing ( ... )


swamp_ariadne September 28 2010, 13:27:22 UTC
Sure! :)

Yup I'm definitely an Indigo Girls fan. Loved Rite of Passage when it first came out (that was my first experience of them). Romeo and Juliet was my song for years in college. Bought all their earlier stuff and stuck with them until after Emily worked with Vonda Sheppard. The stuff they made after just didn't work that well for me.

Karin is the only one making the truly thought-worthy BSG/Inception cross over. I kinda have a girl crush on her now - seriously her fics are wonderfully plotty and well written.

Ok, I sort of dabbled with the Quadrangle of Doom thing, I think because I'm the only one who sees it. My husband and I were downloading the eps actually since the mini-series, and it was hell every time they went on hiatus for what... 6 months? I think in RL, my hubby and I have a more Sharon/Karl dynamic but I just really loved Kara/Lee from the start.


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Re: YAY! I LOVE FRIENDING MEMES!!! thegreenkitty September 27 2010, 16:47:01 UTC
Hey QoT! Good to see ya over here. I thought you entered fandom fairly early. I might have to stalk your flist if peeps don't wander over here ( ... )


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Re: YAY! I LOVE FRIENDING MEMES!!! thegreenkitty September 28 2010, 19:52:11 UTC
As a mid-school?/mid-to-late school? K/L shipper, I have loads of appreciation for you Olde Skoolers. Without you, I would have been lost when I came to skiffy during S4.0 lurking and looking for support for the ship with which I'd fallen desperately in love...and everyone in this community, old and new, are so lovely. We have a lot of brilliant, passionate, artistic people around here.

I understand everyone has to stay or move on at their own pace, but I think I'll always hold K/L close to my heart. They've made a difference in my life...most tangibly with the friendships they've facilitated for us o/l and r/l.

K/L will be a part of me b/c they've been with me for years, much like other favorites from literature and theater that remain with me always. (Okay, I am stepping away from the sappy now.) ;)


kdbleu September 27 2010, 14:58:34 UTC
My Answers:
1. Your username, callsign if applicable, +/- anything else you prefer (or don't mind) being called.
kdbleu. Right now, I spend a lot of time as The Other Kate P. You can call me kate thought.

2. When did you start watching bsg?

3. When did you enter fandom?

4. Is K/L your first/only fandom or are you a multi-fandom type?
It’s the first I’ve been really active in.

5. Have you done things you never dreamed you would in order to participate in fandom? Examples?

6. Any current projects you want to advertise?
I’m writing an original novel. My absurdly prous that I don't hate it.

7. If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have 5 bsg episodes, which would you take? I'll allow an arc to count as one entry to make things a little easier.
I will take all the episodes, thank you and just not watch the ones I don’t like. :P

8. What do you do in the few minutes that you aren't obsessing over K/L?
I have an almost 6 year old and a 2 ½ year old. So laundry and snacks.


thegreenkitty September 27 2010, 16:50:50 UTC
*tries to think* Do I know the other "Other Kate"?

It's great having you around here. Your comment!fic is awesome.

Just wait...you will get sucked into the chaos and you'll be making icons and all sorts of craziness. K/L does that to people. ;)

Wow, writing a novel and taking care of two young ones. That is impressive.

LOL on the epis. :P

Welcome to fandom!! It's an amazing group here. :)


kdbleu September 27 2010, 17:20:52 UTC
I do know the 'Other Kate'. We have kids at the same co-op preschool and work together a lot.

I like comment!fic since I'm writing something long else where.

I made the person who tried to teach me photoshop cry so I'm afraid of icon and pictures in general. *blush*

I'm also bringing the complete works of Shakespeare. :P


thegreenkitty September 27 2010, 18:14:31 UTC
Oh, okay, "Other Kate" is not on LJ though, right?

Yes, comment!fic is a lovely way to contribute without getting too bogged down in anything epic.

Awww, bb, I suck at all things that require computer literacy. I'm just saying...well, what am I saying...I think I'm saying that shipping K/L turns ya insane...and then you might as well try new things b/c no one can fault ya if it turns out poorly...b/c you have the insanity excuse. ;)

Yes, we deffo need Shakespeare. *nods approval*


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