DPP: "We're all friendlies. So, let's just... be friendly!!" FRIENDING MEME take 2!

Sep 27, 2010 06:10

Happy Monday Shipper Nation!! I'm Liz and I'm excited to be your DPP driver this week. I've got games, memes, ficlets, and other goodies planned so I hope you'll drop by throughout the week.

First, a huge shout-out to sci_fi_shipper for an amazing week full of insightful discussion, gorgeous and adorable artwork and scenarios for happy pilots, comment!fic, pilots playlists, and loads of fun!! Great work, hon!!

And now, I'd like to introduce the Return of the Friending Meme!!

Shah_of_Blah had a lovely idea about two months ago to host a "friending meme" DPP. During my time in K/L fandom, I've been continually impressed by how wonderfully kind and supportive everyone here has been. It's an absolute pleasure to be part of this community. When I saw Shah's meme, I thought to myself that we should really do that on a regular basis to renew old friendships, get to know more about one another, and welcome newcomers to the community. I've also been chatting with some new (to me) people recently and realized that a number of you aren't on my flist. This problem must be rectified!!

In that spirit, I've put together some "getting to know you questions" so we all can introduce or reintroduce ourselves. I encourage using this opportunity to add fellow shippers to your flists. (p.s.--You'll notice I've tried to make the questions short and sweet (when vs. why, etc.) since we've had many discussions of why we're here or why K/L is our OTP. While you are certainly welcome to include that info, I am hoping the quick answer format will encourage participation...and friending...of old, middle, and new guard shippers since posting should be a quick, painless five minutes.

The questions:
1. Your username, callsign if applicable, +/- anything else you prefer (or don't mind) being called.
2. When did you start watching bsg?
3. When did you enter fandom?
4. Is K/L your first/only fandom or are you a multi-fandom type?
5. Have you done things you never dreamed you would in order to participate in fandom? Examples?
6. Any current projects you want to advertise?
7. If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have 5 bsg episodes, which would you take? I'll allow an arc to count as one entry to make things a little easier.
8. What do you do in the few minutes that you aren't obsessing over K/L?

Now, go on, friend, chatter, and be merry!!

meme, dpp

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