Such DRAMA!...2?

May 13, 2007 11:40

Finally went to the court last night, I haven't been in like... 3 weeks? Maybe 4? Anywho, Ben wasn't coming because he has to study and won't be going out for the next 5 weeks, so I had to line up another person to hook in with (it's whorish of me but i really do like to have a "sure thing" whenever I go out). His name was Nathan, good kisser but ( Read more... )

fisting, court, karma, job, kia, nathan, ben

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Comments 9

cherrysorbet May 13 2007, 04:06:46 UTC
what toys r us are you being interviewed at? the one at perth closed down didn't it?

best of luck.... although i agree - you pwn annoying 15 year old girls (i'm sure the endless amount of drama they recieve will prevent them from working, ever, anyway) and super TAFE people.


no_romana_no May 13 2007, 04:22:30 UTC
Ah the cannington one, near carousel.

Surely do I need a license for it though, otherwise i have to catch a bus to carousel then walk to toys r us, which isn't that far, but still.


cherrysorbet May 13 2007, 06:51:42 UTC
yeah, buses from garden city or leach hwy to carousel are really difficult for some reason. i heard you had to take like two buses or something? :S


no_romana_no May 13 2007, 13:23:05 UTC
No, I only need to take one, but it takes like... an hour to get from my house to Carousel so...if I have to work mornings...I'M FUCKED!


toast_is_lovely May 13 2007, 04:29:43 UTC
good luck for your interview


karmarama May 13 2007, 07:01:42 UTC
Good luck! Intimidate the child labourers with your evil stare!


no_romana_no May 13 2007, 13:21:55 UTC
Oh I shall, i'll glower them into submission!



ive_got_potter May 13 2007, 07:27:23 UTC
Yes good luck dear you're sure to get the job i say! Twas glorious to see you last night! Becky hath posted some photos on her myspace, they are most amusing!!


no_romana_no May 13 2007, 13:22:29 UTC
I hath seen the photos and put them on my LJ! It was lovely seeing you and I hope you got home okay! We do need to hang out alot more often!


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