Such DRAMA!...2?

May 13, 2007 11:40

Finally went to the court last night, I haven't been in like... 3 weeks? Maybe 4? Anywho, Ben wasn't coming because he has to study and won't be going out for the next 5 weeks, so I had to line up another person to hook in with (it's whorish of me but i really do like to have a "sure thing" whenever I go out). His name was Nathan, good kisser but he was there with his SISTER, and I couldn't very well make out with him infront of his sister, that would be awkward, so when she went to the toilet we had at it on the stage, good kisser...BUT SO TALL! TALL LIKE WOAH!!! Like... usually going on my tip toes suffices but...I felt like I needed a step ladder!

Much drinking was done before hand so I only bought about 2 drinks, which was good, more money saved up for moi, I bought Kia a jagerbomb because it's her birthday today and she was celebrating last night, unfortunately some cock snap pushed the drink out of her hand and it smashed on the floor! Good thing is that later someone sent her a txt message saying the guy was outside the court with a black eye. It's all karma. Go the karma.

Much dancing and such, Nathan left pretty early so I felt very unfufilled, alas, but luckily there were many people there to catch up with, the loverly Helen and Becky came along and I haven't seen them in ages, many photos were taken which i'll probably post later, once I actually get them. Shamini got a bit of action, as she always does, such jealousy, she's truley queen of the fisting.

End of the night had a bit of drama involving drunk phone calls and messages and blah, but tis all gewd now, like my myspace horoscope said, it's all about communication.

Tomorrow I have my interview for Toys R Us which i'm pretty sure i haven't mentioned, I had the first interview last week and they called me back so I have another interview and then they tell me if I get the job or not. I REALLY would like a job, especially considering that everyone's going to be in exam mode and such, and design exams aren't that big and are about the same as doing an assignment, so it would be good to have something to do, maybe save up some money (HA! like that would happen), finally buy an Ipod and pay for some driving lessons mayhaps?

I'm putting alot of eggs in the Toys R Us basket but apparently they're depserate for people so I'm dairly sure the job is mine, all the other people at the interview were either year 10 girls or tafe/ecu people < Curtin Design Student.

And uh...yea, that's what's been happening in my life.

fisting, court, karma, job, kia, nathan, ben

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