Universal time management.

May 07, 2007 17:26

I have this theory in my head that everything happens for a reason. Now it's not in one of those "Grandpa died because it was his time" kind of theories it's a more practical one. I feel that today was a testiment to that.

So basically I've had this one 20 dollar bill in my wallet for about 3 weeks now, which is rare because I ALWAYS spend my money, but it just seemed that this 20 dollar bill never needed to e spent, I always had enough money for anything i wanted to buy...plus 20 dolars. Today catching the bus I was charged an adult fare by the udriver when I am SO obviously a child of concession. I showed him mystudent card but it wasn't a valid form of concession, I needed a smartrider, and it just so happens that i had enogh money to get one, so I did!

And also, coming home from uni I called my brother to pick me up, as I always do to find that he's not answering his phone, I call the home phone, but it's busy, I call my other brhers phone so he can tell my older brother to pick me up but still, no reply. So I consign myself to having to bus home and sit down and send Ben a txt complaining that I hate life, today has been horrible, also because I had a test today that I didn't sdy for...and a bird pooped on me, blah. Anywho, I sit and wait and then ben replies and is like "I'm gonna be near there soon, want a lift?". This is when it all becomes clear, none of my brothers replied so I could get a lift home wih Ben, but at the same time I have to wonder why  need to have a lift home with Ben, what is the benefit of that to my life? And possibly his? So we're driving and talking, discussing many a thing, I remember I have a tape of heroes from last week tha I need to give him so I tell him that I'll get it when we get to my house. "Oh so that must be it, it must be so I can give him the tape."

We get to my house, I go inside, get the tape and give it to him and he drives off..... then I go back inside and notice no one is hee, hence the no phone calls... Let's do the math here:

Me + Ben + Empty house = ........BOOTY CALL!

God damn it! The universe wanted me to have a booty call today...and I missed my chance! It all makes sense, it's supposed to be my reward for getting through a shit day...and I missed it! AND HA! More proof! I just txt'd Ben telling him we could have booty called it up and he says "Alas, I don't have enough petrol to get back to your house"!!! IT ALL MAKES SENSE.

People, listen to me and start seizing oppurtunities, like I should have, I really do nd to start beingmore aware of when the universe hands me a bit of rogh and tumble, on a silver platter... *sigh*

Ah well, the entire thing is quite amusing... frustrating, but amusing.
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