Ich bin ein retard!

Apr 03, 2006 13:45

I went to work today when I wasn't even rostered...I knew waking up this morning that today would be a day with me in the role of the spastic.. I wore my bloody ugly arsed work shoes to school, had my work clothes bulging in my bag and all for nothing! I think the universe was sending me signs...like this girl i was talking to on the bus said to me ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

myst_fatale April 3 2006, 10:08:42 UTC
Hahaha.. you're so retarded. I mean that in a cosy, cuddly friendly way O_o

this is what happens when you're a megabitch...anyone remotely nice to you = FREAK!

A man after my own heart....


miss_tatiana April 3 2006, 15:57:51 UTC
Ahhh going into work when your not rostered on...classic


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