Ich bin ein retard!

Apr 03, 2006 13:45

I went to work today when I wasn't even rostered...I knew waking up this morning that today would be a day with me in the role of the spastic.. I wore my bloody ugly arsed work shoes to school, had my work clothes bulging in my bag and all for nothing! I think the universe was sending me signs...like this girl i was talking to on the bus said to me "Are you working today?" even though we'd just had a conversation about it.. it was a sign... *sigh*. I casually walk into work, go into the changerooms, everyone was probably looking at me thinkgin "Um, dude, why are you here?" but i was too "I'm working today" to realise... So I go into the toilet to change and this guy called Graham comes in and says "You're thinking a week ahead man" And I just swear my arse off and say "I knew this would happen" then I make a quick exit before i died of embarassment. So sad..

Alex the possible gay irked me today though. I was waiting for my brother to pick me up when he strolls up, all casual as he would do with his salad roll and he's like "It happened to me to! I can take you home anytime, remember that." Luckily josh rolled up when he said that so my "Oh my god, you're kinda scaring me." face was hidden behind the roof of the car... Ha, this is what happens when you're a megabitch...anyone remotely nice to you = FREAK!

So i'm going to sit here and... sit for a while...kinda have nothing to do.. OOOH! WAIT! My breakfast today was a cigarette and a red bull aka, breakfast of champions and the red bull got me all creative, and now i have a really good idea for a painting i want to do... I just need a whole lot of red paint...red like my emo angst... *emo pose*. But it'll be good if I do it.

Oh another thing I remembered, saw V for Vendetta last night. So amazingly good, the goodness of it made me feel better about third wheeling with Kitty and Louise. *does skit from the talk show on V* nyek yek yek yek yek.
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