A post by numbers

Oct 20, 2009 02:03

1. SOUTHLAND IS TOTALLY NOT DEAD, YOU GUYS!!! Apparently, two networks are in negotiations for a possible pick-up. This makes me very, very happy. (I can has bidding war ( Read more... )

music, southland, tv, films, spn

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Comments 19

svilleficrecs October 20 2009, 07:29:41 UTC
That fondling gif is AWESOME.


no_detective October 21 2009, 07:09:30 UTC
No lie, I watched it for 20 minutes.


alethialia October 20 2009, 07:53:54 UTC
Sadly, I think it may be premature to jump up and down about Southland. Yes, it's good that TNT and FX are interested, but cable's license fees are far lower than network, so the question is fundamentally, can they make a deal? And the supposition is that if they did, they'd only take the 6 eps already produced and see how they do in the ratings before committing to more. Personally, I think the show would do better on FX - I think it's too dark for TNT's audience, but that's just me.

So yeah, I'm dubious. It's all gonna be about the money, even within the same corporate parental unit. And spending tens of millions of dollars sounds fine until it comes time to pull the trigger, so. I guess call me cynical. Shock.

And Nathan Fillion's FAAAACE show, a.k.a. Castle.

Omg, Castle for the mother-fucking WIN!

of course he's got issues with free will - he's an ANGEL! I think alethialia is the only person on my flist to point this out, so maybe it's not as obvious as I assumed.

Err, really? My flist has been surprisingly light on SPN talk (and not ( ... )


no_detective October 20 2009, 15:40:54 UTC
Oh, so it is FX? I assumed they were the second network. You're right, that would be a better fit. Not just because the show is too dark for TNT, but it's stylistically very different - I can't think how its narrative realism could possibly fit next to anything on TNT without making its other shows look campy as hell ( ... )


alethialia October 21 2009, 06:01:07 UTC
Yep, it's FX.

I can't think how its narrative realism could possibly fit next to anything on TNT without making its other shows look campy as hell.

Also a good point and part of why I said Southland is too dark - the way TNT's shows are shot, well, there's a lot of lightness/camp/suspension of reality involved. Whereas Southland is gritty as all hell.

Awards may not guarantee audience numbers, but they are shiny!

And I'm sure every network head in Hollywood would love to take an NBC cast-off and turn it into Emmy gold. Twisting the knife, man. It's a town pastime.


no_detective October 21 2009, 07:12:59 UTC
Exactly - I've forgotten what it's like to watch something that intimate on TV. It was REALLY unsettling... and then, of course, I fell in love and got a Twitter account so I could pester people outside the LJ realm. *facepalm* Oh, Southland.

I'm sure every network head in Hollywood would love to take an NBC cast-off and turn it into Emmy gold. Twisting the knife, man. It's a town pastime.

I'm totally gonna paraphrase this in my email to FX. :D


cosmic October 20 2009, 08:00:52 UTC
Ooooh. Your brain gives good SPN thought. Because, yes, exactly that.


no_detective October 21 2009, 07:14:12 UTC
Thank you, darling. I've had this thing for angels since I discovered Wim Wenders aaaaages ago, and Cas brought it all back in a pretty powerful way... I'm surprised I don't ramble about him more often.


proggrrl October 20 2009, 15:51:01 UTC
LOL, you're renaming of shows is spot on. Eee gods - yes - Mad Men/Dollhouse. Creeeeeeeepy. Or just have Embeth Davidtz show up on DH. She's also on another one of my favorite shows: The Hot Fucked Up Sex Addict Who Tries To Be A Daddy Show!

It got really fucking cold in NY! As a result, the cats are verrrrry affectionate. And one of them snores. It's HILARIOUS.

I only have one kitteh...but: THIS. LOVE IT.


no_detective October 21 2009, 07:19:11 UTC
Ahahaha, icon!

Oh god, Embeth Davidtz. I used to know her only as the chick from Army of Darkness, so she pretty much broke my brain with Junebug (SUCH A GREAT PERFORMANCE OMG) and In Treatment. I agree: she'd be fabulous on Dollhouse.

Kittehs are LOVE in any weather, but especially when it gets chilly.


sleepwalkerfish October 20 2009, 17:12:06 UTC
I was really hoping for a pick-up for Southland, and because I have absolutely no idea about how it works, I still am. I don't know what would be better - it looks like the six already made episodes will air somewhere, sometime, but what I really would like is for the show to go on, so I'm not sure I'd be that happy about just a simple pick-up-and-we'll-see.
Michael Cudlitz's Twitter is so much fun, he's great. (I don't have a Twitter, but go there every day to see what he's written. Also, I just saw the youtube video he linked to with the f word, and now I can't erase Blue Velvet's Dennis Hopper with his "don't you fucking look at me you fucking fucker" speech from my mind.)

That gif is hilarious. I used to watch a lot of waterpolo, now, what's going on there is real groping. XD


no_detective October 21 2009, 07:36:58 UTC
Yeah, it's a lot of money - basically, my greatest wish would be that the network which picks it up decides to turn it into an awards flagship and then promotes the hell out of it to the critics. After, say, the second year of Southland clearing out the Emmys, the audience might grow enough to make the show a veritable hit (rather than a moderate not-failure by numbers, passionately beloved by its small fandom ( ... )


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