A post by numbers

Oct 20, 2009 02:03

1. SOUTHLAND IS TOTALLY NOT DEAD, YOU GUYS!!! Apparently, two networks are in negotiations for a possible pick-up. This makes me very, very happy. (I can has bidding war?)

Anyway, there's a 99,99% chance that TNT is one of the contenders. At some point in the past week of madly tweeting all over the place - the show's got a nice little fandom over there thanks to the hilarity/profanity that is Michael Cudlitz's Twitter - I might have offered to get a "We Know Drama" logo as a tramp stamp if they buy the show. (I'm pretty sure nobody will call me on it. Bless the supershort-attention-span format of social media.)

2. Went to see New York, I Love You even though I knew it couldn't possibly live up to its Parisian predecessor. Indeed, much of it sucked. A fair portion somehow managed to avoid utter embarrassment (these short movie projects are fun, and you could tell the people involved were enjoying themselves). A few of the segments were inspired and quite lovely, but only a few. Best thing about the project? Maggie Q, who really should be in EVERYTHING and especially my pants.

3. I am seriously feeling the Yankees love, people. Stuff like EXTREME PUBLIC FONDLING certainly helps. So much hotness in such a tiny li'l .gif! (Thanks for the link, pun.) Oh, the intimacy. ♥

4. I'm quietly enjoying this season of the House&Wilson Show. And Nathan Fillion's FAAAACE show, a.k.a. Castle. And Hilarious Yet Really Fucking Scary Mad Scientist show, a.k.a. Fringe. And the Pretty People I Don't Like But The Story's Awesome show, a.k.a Mad Men. (Where's the Mad Men/Dollhouse AU? Come on, somebody must have figured that's where Sterling Cooper is going to be in 50 years.) Oh - and the OMFG Ted Danson Totally Rocks show, a.k.a. Bored To Death, which has unexpectedly been growing on me. It's... nice.

5. I was pleasantly intrigued by last week's Supernatural, especially because we got that fantastic look at Castiel's character: of course he'd rather not take a chance, kill the kid to be on the safe side, and of course he's got issues with free will - he's an ANGEL! I think alethialia is the only person on my flist to point this out, so maybe it's not as obvious as I assumed. This gives me pause. I suspect that the fandom focuses mainly on the fact that he rebelled (a.k.a. has sort of fallen for Dean), and not on the fact that he's still the same individual (entity?) that spent millennia serving Heaven and has been shaped by his faith on a personal level. Yes, Cas will operate on the basis of angelic code even when he's going against the "institution" that had instilled its principles into him and thus defined him at the core.

And this, to me, is what's so breathtaking about the idea of a fallen angel: the profound upset to one's world view caused by the shock of encountering and embracing extreme otherness - of being otherness within oneself, and then learning how to Change. (The myth of Change is one of the most fascinating and pervasive human stories. Think about it. It's a story of displacement, of immigration, of a tremendous upheaval of one's life triggered by the moment of realization that change is necessary. It's a story of deliberately turning the Self into Other - never the other way around, even though it might seem so from our "human" perspective. It's an AWESOME story.)

Anyway, this ep painted a lovely picture with that face-off type conflict between Sam and Castiel, where they weren't discussing abstractions or prophecies in relation to the boy's life, but expressing some intensely personal views. And I get excited every time Cas displays a personality outside his robo-angel!mode. I heart that guy.

6. This song is one of those "must dance in undulating moves NOW" tunes. Can be a little embarrassing on the subway. (Just saying.)

7. It got really fucking cold in NY! As a result, the cats are verrrrry affectionate. And one of them snores. It's HILARIOUS.

How the hell are you?

music, southland, tv, films, spn

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