Welcome back, boys!

Sep 11, 2009 02:38

Know what I liked best in "Sympathy for the Devil"?

Um. There might be a list. )

netflix recs, spn

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Comments 8

Lips are just a valve but yours are sweet. dancinbutterfly September 11 2009, 07:26:22 UTC
THANK YOU! I could not place her! Ugh, I loved that episode of Life. I loved the episode of SPN but like, yes, Meg placement. Perfect. Thanks


Re: Lips are just a valve but yours are sweet. no_detective September 11 2009, 16:31:38 UTC
You're welcome! I couldn't place her at first either, but as soon as I pictured her blonde, I knew who she was. (I loved that ep of Life too!)


mirandaflynn September 12 2009, 01:20:03 UTC
I figured you'd also like "I learned this FROM MY FRIEND, CAS".


no_detective September 12 2009, 18:34:56 UTC
Well... yes, I must admit that was pretty nice. :)


tartary_lamb September 13 2009, 17:45:02 UTC
I still have no coherent thoughts about Supernatural, apart from possibly !!!!! and Castiel ilu~~. ;_;

Maybe I'll be more coherent after the next episode. Delusions, yes, I can has.


no_detective September 13 2009, 18:45:08 UTC
Castiel is SO BADASS OMFG!!!!!!! I love how casual he was about the whole "oh yeah, I carved them into your ribs" thing. GUH.

This show is too much fun. TOO MUCH, I SAY.


isagel September 14 2009, 13:30:54 UTC
I love how Castiel seems to have come back more badass than before. That fighting mojo thing where he took out both Zachariah's bodyguards in the blink of an eye, I don't think he could have done that in s4. He always struck me as not that great a fighter on the angelic scale. It feels to me as though someone brought him back to life, and then they honed him for the job they want him to do, reforged him a sharper weapon than before ( ... )


no_detective September 17 2009, 08:18:09 UTC
I don't know how I missed this comment - but really, all I can say in response is YES, 100% YES!!! Castiel is magnificent. And... it's 4am, I haven't been sleeping much and I'm barely functional, so I'll just nod happily in your direction and pet your shiny, shiny brain.

YAY CAS YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Have I pimped Southland to you yet?


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