Welcome back, boys!

Sep 11, 2009 02:38

Know what I liked best in "Sympathy for the Devil"?

1. The #1 fan was played by EMILY FREAKIN' PERKINS. Or as Kripke might say: "I heard you like meta, so I put some meta in yo' meta so you can have a lot of META." Damn!

...oh, right. Run, don't walk, to the nearest DVD rental place and check out Ginger Snaps. Yes, the sisters are just as 'cesty as the Winchesters. Brigitte pierces Ginger's belly button with silver, for fuck's sake. And the script is so very... no, I can't talk about it. I'll just flail in your general direction. SEE THIS MOVIE.

As for the fan mockery, well. I was kind of... amused. (Hehehehe, CLAVICLE.) Mostly because the show keeps on delivering relevant inspiration for the slash-inclined fans in practically the same breath! (Cas carves a protection sign into their RIBS. I... I can't even.)

Speaking of - 2. HEY LA, MY ANGEL'S BACK! (In my head, Dean totally burst out into song when Cas appeared.) So Cas is back, and he is still mysterious, and he is pretty pissed. Oh, and there's the thing with marking the Winchester bones. I approve wholeheartedly.

3. BOBBY!!!!!!!!

4. The Yosemite Sam-meets-the-devil cartoon on the plane was an excellent touch. (Aww, Dean. One trauma after another.)

5. Sam's guilt is... well, fitting. And tremendous. And kinda pretty, because I'm shallow like that.

6. I'm sorry, I'm still stuck on Dean refusing to be an angel's condom. NICE TURN OF PHRASE THERE, BUDDY.

7. This show is fun to write about while, um, somewhat drunk. Just in case that wasn't blatantly obvious.

That is all. Oh - and the "new" Meg used to be blonde and on Life; she played that chick who ran the Murder Museum with her boyfriend (Rene, the guy from the first season of True Blood). She was nicely villainy and whatnot; I hope they bring her back.

netflix recs, spn

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