DPP: We made it all up!

Jun 27, 2011 18:00

Well hey there folks! It would seem that I am in charge of driving the good ole DPP bus this week, I warn you I don't have a licence and this is my first time behind the wheel, so you might wanna buckle up, but rest assured, if there is a bomb on board, I am all over that.

So last week we had a thinky thoughts kind of week thanks to trappermcintyre with lots of good historical musings and psychoanalysis and whatnot. I thought this week we'd do something a bit lighter, partly because I am not cool enough to come up with thinky thoughts DPP ideas, and partly just because, well, I think everyone's a bit tired and in need of some Piloty respite.

So, without further ado, except for the part where I said without further ado, let's get on with the show.

Today's post is all about one of my favourite things about fandom. Unsupported Fic Tropes. You all know them, we all use them, they exist in every fandom the world over. I personally love them, there's something fun about realising that every person who ever writes fic for a certain fandom employs these ideas and interactions without ever having seen them on the television.

Don't know what I mean? Did you ever hear Kara call Lee Flyboy? Did you ever see Helo give Pilots a friendly shove towards each other? Did you ever really see our two beloveds compete in a viper? I mean, they flew and fought and taunted and stuff, but I never heard any of that "I can outfly you any day" kind of trash talk that is the delightful staple of so many Academy!Pilots fics.

So that's today, Unsupported Fandom Tropes day. What are your favourites? What are your least favourites? What are your thoughts on them in general? I'd love to hear.

And, as is obviously always the case when it comes to DPP, if you feel the need to express your love for UFT's through the application of spontaneous fiction, well loved reccomendations, picatures or gif-times or any other kind of thing that makes you happy, well that's what the comments are for. :)

Here's to hoping we have a fun week, if y'all think I'm lame, well, that's what the comments are for too ;)

...I wanted a picture to put up so my post wouldn't be super dull, and I just really like this one :)

fic, dpp, fandom, daily pilots post, discussion

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