DPP: A song will outlive all sermons

Jun 28, 2011 16:28

Howdy :)

So yesterday was fun, we talked about our favourite UFT's and by the way, if any of you missed the latter portion of the discussion which was directed mainly by nazkey , amaliak , and pali167  you should go check it out, it is FASS-TASTIC!

Today we're gonna talk a little bit about music, even though I'm certain that it's has been done before. It strikes me that pilots fandom is relatively short on song-fics, where most fandoms feed on them. And ok, I'm not the world's biggest fan of song-fics, my experience of them is that they are often clumsy and made lazy by virtue of being able to rely on lyrics to say what you want to without having to think of how you word it for yourself. I am however, interested in fic inspired by music, that doesn't necessarily use the song as part of the story.

Now, I know a lot of you guys are really into poetry and have written many wonderful fics inspired by/based around poetry. But what about songs?

Do you guys have favourite pilots songs? Have you written fics that were inspired by particular pieces of music/songs? Have you written actual song-fics? Does anyone have songs that they wish someone would write pilots fic based around? It's a musical free for all!

And to get you started, here are a few songs that make me think of pilots.

By the way, they're slightly abstract occasionally in their pilots-affiliation, I can't tell you exactly why all of them work for me.

The Moth - By Aimee Mann

4am - By Cherry Ghost

Don't Leave - By Faithless

Painted on my heart - By The Cult:

image Click to view

And this one, which I think might be kind of a fun AU if someone wants to play,

Whiskey in Mind - By Christian Kane

image Click to view

Everyone feel free to jump in with your songs, fic-recs, prompts or just general feelings. Or, if you feel like it, gifs of hot men being hot, because that's allowed too :)

fic prompts, songs, fic, fic recs, lyrics, dpp, fandom, daily pilots post, pilot lyrics, discussion, music

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