And we're back~!
I shouldn't have jinxed myself. As soon as I started crowing about being on schedule? *poof* Ability to draw, VANISHED. Quite the trick, actually - I should be on stage. :/
More commissions for the wildly successful drive to help
hollsh last weekend. I had some run-ins with some jerks this week and knowing that there were good people out there who would be so generous for a relative stranger in need helped me keep from calling it quits on the human race.
*derails rant*
Yes. OK.
This isn't about me XD
So, art?
d_odyssey donated $45 and requested a pencil sketch of Chris Pine and a traditional piece featuring Kirk/McCoy.
Chris Pine with comic pencils. I'm twitching towards my markers to ink this one so I'm thinking it's going in the post tomorrow, before I can screw with it anymore.
... I'll try it out later XD
Here we have Bones examining Kirk thoroughly in sickbay. He's such a good doctor! So caring and *ahem* thorough. Kirk, of course, is a model patient XD
The Enterprise boxers were for me! I've done seven scenes now, you all had to know they were coming sooner or later XD
Thank you so much
d_odyssey! I hope you like them!