- - Rules - - 1.You may enter TWO icons. 2.You may use ANY image of either one of the carver duo. More images can be found HERE 3.You know the rest of the rules :) If not, see the userinfo. This challenge will end on Friday
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- - Rules - - 1. Vote for 3 [THREE] icons. 2. Do not vote for yourself or get others to vote for you. 3. Voting and winners will be anounced on Monday (since I will be out of town). ( Vote here and enjoy your weekend! )
- - Rules - - 1.You may enter TWO icons. 2.All affects are allowed. 3.Keep all icons in livejournal standards. 4.Submit your icon to this post with it's IMG and URL. This challenge will end on January 20th, 2006
So, I'm considering opening this place back up again. If I were to open it, who would be interested in participating? Please only say you're interested if you're actually going to do so (I need an accurate count). Also, if this place opens, I would need a co-mod. Would anyone be interested in helping me run this place?