Title: Having (to ask) (continuation of Wondering) Author: ninnive Fandom: "Viewfinder"-Series by Yamane Ayano Characters: Takaba, Asami, Sunglasses Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Spoilers up to NT7 Summary: Asami comes back
missed that series~ i like it that takaba`s relationship with the sunglasses is... well, not friendly, but as asami said, they did not kill eachother and didn`t get too bored :]
and now i wanna see the next part ^^ (some asami x aki situation ahead)
Since you posted the next part *jippi* I had to go back to read up. and THIS part is probably the best one! I absolutely love it! Its funny and IC and sooooo very sexy! Can't believe that. They didn't even kiss but... Wow! Absolutely LOVE it!!!
Comments 41
i like it that takaba`s relationship with the sunglasses is... well, not friendly, but as asami said, they did not kill eachother and didn`t get too bored :]
and now i wanna see the next part ^^ (some asami x aki situation ahead)
I could probably beat up Akihito.
and THIS part is probably the best one! I absolutely love it! Its funny and IC and sooooo very sexy! Can't believe that. They didn't even kiss but... Wow! Absolutely LOVE it!!!
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